She Said Yes!

After talking with the on-call doctor last night, we made a change to Veronica’s pain med.  She was able to sleep a little in the early morning.  She was up an hour before me and was sitting in her chair.  She had a little breakfast and her pain meds.  She did some walking in the house.  The walking in the house gave her a confidence boost.  I asked if she wanted to go for a walk outside.  She said yes, and we walked up the block.  There was sunshine and Sunday morning traffic.  It was a lot to take in.  She did really well.  She is sitting in the recliner resting now.

Out the door.

Up the block.

Down the block is the way to the diner, we might try to go that way when the sun goes behind the hills.


  1. Aunty Deb and Uncle Steve

    The trees are magnificent. Lovely environment for rehabbing. Glad that you contacted the MD for an adjustment in pain management. You are doing everything you can at this time. Time will help. Hugs and smooches.

  2. Grandma Lois

    your walk looked so pretty. you must be in an unique area. wish the pain would get better so she could sleep. we still pray. Love you both Grandma

  3. Catherine Hoffman

    Jake and Ronnie. I continue to read all the updates and continue to pray for Ronnie’s recovery. For the pain and dizziness to subside and for strength for Ronnie to continue all the excersizes so she can reach new milestones everyday. Stay strong Ronnie, you are amazing, keep on keeping on.

  4. Peggy G

    Way to go Roni! A walk outside in the warmth and sunshine sounds like great dose of chicken soup for the soul! Sounds like you are right on track in your post op marathon!!

    xoxoxoxox Peggy G and family

  5. Cara

    It looks beautiful there! I am so glad things are starting to be more normal. I am keeping you in my prayers.

  6. Kristin M

    Looks so beautiful. Take advantage of the sun – it’s cold at home!

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