T minus twelve hours
We spent the day talking with highly trained medical professionals. We revisited the choice of procedures again. The doctors wanted to give Veronica the choice between a long shot of keeping her hearing, or a procedure that would give the neurosurgeon the best chance of getting all of the tumor out. She chose to stick with her original decision and will lose her hearing as a result of the surgery.
After the appointments, we went with Fr. Joseph (who flew in from STL to be with us for the next few days,) to the Marine Recruit Base. There, Fr. Joseph and his friend Fr. Joe Coffey concelebrated Mass for us. Afterwards, Fr. Joe took us on a tour of the Navy base on Coronado. Veronica said it was a nice distraction from tomorrow’s reality.
We had a nice dinner at Hotel Del Cornado and spent a little time walking on the beach and listening to the ocean. Veronica is now tired enough to sleep to be ready to get to the hospital at 6am.
Aunty Deb
Wonderful to have such a supportive network. Peace to you both today. You are in good hands, The Lord’s
Uncle Steve
As someone who has experienced a major surgery involving removal of a tumor in the brain, I kind of know a little of what you are feeling emotionally right now. It’s not easy not knowing what the post surgical outcome might be and how the rest of your life will be affected by that outcome. Just know that you are in good hands—your surgical team is highly qualified and will get you through the surgery just fine. Also know that you have many thoughts and prayers helping you through this interruption in your life routine. And, you have your loving husband who is at your side forever to help you with whatever you might need to get on with your life. Most importantly, you have your Lord and Savior with you every step of the way. We love you and are thinking of you..