
While I went for a much needed haircut (I chopped off 7 1/2 inches!) apparently the kids were busy at home wrapping presents and making gift tags with Aunt Larissa.


After wrapping, the boys got their snow gear together and Larissa took them to meet up with Aunt Kari to do some snow tubing.  They said they had a blast! (Not surprisingly, Shecklet #1 selected a red tube and Shecklet #2 selected a green tube.)


Christmas #1 2014

After Shecklet #2 lost his tooth, we loaded up into the suburban and headed for Grandma & Grandpa’s house. We gathered early this year since Jason and Bri were in town from out west.  Great Grandma Lois and Papa Dale also joined us for the evening’s festivities.  (Unfortunately, Stacie couldn’t make it home to be with us.)  We had a delicious ham dinner with tasty side dishes and wine – just the adults 😉  After dining, we gathered in the family room to open presents.  This year, Shecklet #4 had a much better idea as to what was going on.  She was more than willing to help everyone with their gift opening!  Once the kids had a chance to check out/play with their new things, we had desert – peppermint ice cream pie – delish!

2014 - 12 December 12 - Xmas in Hastings

Photo booth props

Aunt Larissa came over bright and early to watch the Shecklets so Jake and I could go to the Gopher’s homecoming game today.  From the looks of it, I’m pretty sure the kids had a good time.

2014 -10 October 18 - Kid photo booth props

Birthday celebration – part 2

Shecklet #3’s birthday party took place a few days after her “official” birthday.  She requested a tornado cake and wanted to go bowling (like her older brothers had done.)  She had also been asking for a Barbie house for quite some time.  Jake and I talked and thought it would be a fun surprise to pass along the house that my parents gave to me when I was a little girl – complete with furniture & accessories.  (My were kind enough to dig it out, dust it off and decorate it for the big surprise.)  The look on her face when we presented her with the house was absolutely priceless.  She gave me a huge hug, which was the sweetest response I could have asked for.  It brought a smile to not only me, but my parents as well.  I am sure she has hours of make-believe play time in store!

2014 - 10 October 05 - Ingrid's bday party2

2014 - 10 October 05 - Ingrid's bday party

2014 - 10 October 05 -Barbie house

40 Years

Many moons ago, (enough to total 40 years,) two twenty-somethings started their life together as husband and wife. Together, they made a wonderful, loving home in which they raised their two children.

Today, 40 years later, their family has grow five-fold.

Mom & Dad – today we celebrate the commitment you made to one another back on September 7, 1974, and have lived out every day since then.  Thank you for saying “I Do!”

We love you!

2014 - 09 September 07 - Mary & Bill's 40th Anniversary2

Happy birthday to my dad!

My parents have had a little project going on this summer.  That seems to be a theme in their lives the last several years. When they take something on, they’re all in.  Their latest project is no different. They took down the deck on the back of their house earlier in the summer and have been working on the rebuild during almost every “free” moment in their schedules.  My dad has put in countless hours measuring, cutting, lifting, leveling, and nailing while my mom has been a staining maniac.  Together, they make quite the team.  Jake and Tony have also pitched in to help, which I know has also been a huge help.

The reason I mention all of this is because my dad’s birthday was August 12th, but we just celebrated together, today.  We all gathered together for dinner on Labor Day and my mom figured today was as good of a day as any to pull out the cake she had frozen along with ice cream.  My dad loves German Chocolate, so the kids loaded on the candles and we sang “Happy Birthday” to the man we love to call Dad/Papa.

2014 - 09 September 01 -Labor Day & celebrating B's bday

Superhero night

Larissa thought it would be fun to bring the kids to a Saints baseball game. It just so happened that tonight was superhero night. The kids donned their capes and masks and had a great time! (Unfortunately, Shecklet #2 couldn’t join us due to mom having to enforce a consequence for poor choices and behavior earlier in the day. Sometimes it’s hard to be a parent.)

wpid-imag1294_burst002_cover.jpg  wpid-imag1291_burst002_cover.jpg  wpid-imag1293_burst002_cover.jpg


At tonight’s Saints game, Shecklet #3 was using her Aunt Larissa’s phone. Larissa asked if she wanted her to turn the camera around so she could take a photo of herself. #3’s response was, “No, I don’t want to take a selfie!” I have no idea how she even knows what a selfie is. *sigh*

Saturday trip to The Range

Growing up, it always felt like I had two grandmas on my dad’s side.  My Grandma Fran was a twin, which made us the recipients of double the love, homemade bread, and prayers.

Veronica with Grandma Fran and Auntie Helen - 10-18-02

We were able to make a trip up to see my Great Aunt Helen (and introduce her to Shecklet #4) today.  Jake and I got to spend almost 2 hours with her, listening to stories about the early years of her marriage and motherhood.  Meanwhile, my dad’s cousins, Mary & Helen, were kind enough to keep the Shecklets entertained – such a gift!

2014 - 06 June 28 - Visit1

After visiting Auntie Helen, we called and left a message for my Aunt Ann and Uncle Gene to see if they wanted to meet us for dinner.  After attempting to decode the message we left, (apparently the background noise of the wind made the message nearly impossible to understand) my uncle called back and invited us to their house for dinner. We had a great time catching up and eating together as a family!

2014 - 06 June 28 - Visit2

I am so thankful for this day and the memories we made!

Shrek on stage

Shecklet #1 received an exciting birthday experience gift from his Aunt Kari. She picked him up this afternoon to take him to the Children’s Theater to see Shrek!


After the musical, the two went to Perkins for appetizers and pie. Shecklet #1 also came home with a Klutz spaceship kit. (He built the first one 5/26/14.)
