Christmas #1 2014

After Shecklet #2 lost his tooth, we loaded up into the suburban and headed for Grandma & Grandpa’s house. We gathered early this year since Jason and Bri were in town from out west.  Great Grandma Lois and Papa Dale also joined us for the evening’s festivities.  (Unfortunately, Stacie couldn’t make it home to be with us.)  We had a delicious ham dinner with tasty side dishes and wine – just the adults 😉  After dining, we gathered in the family room to open presents.  This year, Shecklet #4 had a much better idea as to what was going on.  She was more than willing to help everyone with their gift opening!  Once the kids had a chance to check out/play with their new things, we had desert – peppermint ice cream pie – delish!

2014 - 12 December 12 - Xmas in Hastings

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