Saturday trip to The Range

Growing up, it always felt like I had two grandmas on my dad’s side.  My Grandma Fran was a twin, which made us the recipients of double the love, homemade bread, and prayers.

Veronica with Grandma Fran and Auntie Helen - 10-18-02

We were able to make a trip up to see my Great Aunt Helen (and introduce her to Shecklet #4) today.  Jake and I got to spend almost 2 hours with her, listening to stories about the early years of her marriage and motherhood.  Meanwhile, my dad’s cousins, Mary & Helen, were kind enough to keep the Shecklets entertained – such a gift!

2014 - 06 June 28 - Visit1

After visiting Auntie Helen, we called and left a message for my Aunt Ann and Uncle Gene to see if they wanted to meet us for dinner.  After attempting to decode the message we left, (apparently the background noise of the wind made the message nearly impossible to understand) my uncle called back and invited us to their house for dinner. We had a great time catching up and eating together as a family!

2014 - 06 June 28 - Visit2

I am so thankful for this day and the memories we made!

One Comment

  1. Helen Viezbicke

    Veronica and Jake, mom dictated the following:

    We got a wonderful surprise when you came with the children a week ago! The girls and I could not believe the well mannered children you have. :). Jake did a wonderful job taking the pictures and preserving the memories! ;). Thank you for coming up, you REALLY made my day! Weekends are SO LONG and your visit left me floating on a cloud.
    Love and Prayers,
    Great Auntie Helen

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