Mother’s Day 2014

05 May 11 - Mother's Day 2014




  1. Nancy Settergren Ramoundos

    Thanks for the lovely greeting! Happy Mother’s Day to you too! I don’t know how you (and Jake) do it, but you are raising four lovely, kind children whom I/we love like crazy.


  2. Great Aunty Deb

    What a special surprise. Thank you for including me in your wonderful greeting. Wonderful little ones (and big ones, too:-)

  3. Shauna Fischer

    Love you!!!! Such a beautiful family!!!! OX Shauna

  4. Kristin Cimperman

    Adorable photo…we just LOVE it!! :~) Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  5. Brianna Sheck

    Very cute!! Kiddos are growing like weeds!

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