Happy 8th birthday, Shecklet #1!

Happy birthday, Shecklet #1!

Can you believe you’ve been around the sun 8 times?!?  Your dad pointed that out this morning at breakfast. I can remember your birthday like it was yesterday.  I know I say this every year, but you are growing up so fast!  In the past year you’ve figured out how to ride your bike, ride your scooter, jump rope, read, add, subtract, and write in sentences. And your drawing has become so much more detailed. Your love of art and science is evident in almost everything you choose to do and you have enjoyed the Mad Science classes you’ve taken at school as extra-curricular activities.

You have a fun summer ahead!  Golf camp, Play-Net, VBS, and maybe a trip to visit cousins.  Lots of new memories to create!  I’m excited to see what the coming year has in store for you!



Here are the 2014 responses to the annual birthday questions:

  1. What is your favorite color?  Red
  2. What is your favorite toy?  iPad
  3. What is your favorite fruit?  Apple & Blueberries
  4. What is your favorite TV show?  Arthur (on PBS Kids)
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  sandwiches
  6. What is your favorite outfit?  shorts
  7. What is your favorite game?  Mancala
  8. What is your favorite snack?  Cheetos
  9. What is your favorite animal?  Giraffe
  10. What is your favorite song?  “Ants Go Marching”  (not the DMB version 🙂 )
  11. What is your favorite book?  Geronimo Stilton books
  12. Who is your best friend?  Max (from the bus in the afternoon)
  13. What is your favorite cereal?  Life  (It’s what you had for breakfast this morning.)
  14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Jump rope
  15. What is your favorite drink?  Lemonade
  16. What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Monkeys
  18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  cereal
  19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Mac-n-cheese
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Teacher
  21. What is your favorite movie?  Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

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