Two years of growth

When I had my craniotomy two years ago, a portion of my head needed to be shaved clean. Thankfully, my surgical team was very experienced and knew to leave a small section of hair in front of my ear.  When my hair was down, you couldn’t even tell it had been shaved. That shaved area has been growing back ever since. At first it was fuzzy, then it was curly, and now it’s a unique texture and wave that I can’t straighten no matter how hard I try.

Very few people have seen what I looked like after surgery.  This was taken shortly after the medical resident removed the tightly wound bandage that I wore for just shy of 48 hours:

To say I’ve neglected my tresses the past two years would be an understatement. Most of the time (now that it’s all long enough) it’s pulled back into a ponytail of sorts.  I decided to go in for a healthy trim a few days ago and now you can hardly tell the difference between the “new” section and the old.  Hooray for two years of growth!

One Comment

  1. Debra Sivula

    Veronica you are a beautiful woman of God! Didn’t know you had a curly side. You are an inspiration to all who know you because of your faith and what you have gone through!!
    Debra Sivula

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