All Saints Party

We opted to try something different on October 31st this year.  Our new parish holds an All Saints party with a hot dog dinner, games for the kids, entertainment (this year it was a juggler) and the option to also bring home candy.  With temperatures dipping low, the added bonus of the event being indoors was great.  We had two shepherds, St. Gianna (a doctor) and a monkey from Noah’s ark.  The kids had a lot of fun and Shecklet #3 was also an assistant for one of the juggler’s tricks.

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes1

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes2

Christmas Eve 2013

Today was the start of our Christmas celebrations.  My parents went to Christmas Eve mass with us and then came over to the house for dinner.  They left just before we put he Shecklets to bed so the house could get prepped for Christmas morning.

Xmas Eve 2013

Happy 5th birthday, Nolan!

Dear Nolan,

Wow, 5 years!  I can’t believe how fast time has gone.  I suppose I may say that with each passing year, but it’s the truth every time.  You have grown so much this year I can hardly believe it.  You continue to grow in confidence and compassion and are such a funny and loving young boy.  I am amazed at how much you absorb throughout the day and am grateful to be able to experience life through your eyes.  I am so thankful to be your mother.

Today we began the day in the best way possible, thanking God for the gift of you at mass.  When word got out afterward that it was your birthday, you proudly told people that you were now 5!  And you held up your fingers to prove it 🙂  We stopped to pick up donuts (which has become a bit of a Sunday tradition) and a cappuccino (for me) and brought them home to share.  Then I got started with frosting your cake.  This year, I asked if you wanted a caterpillar cake (like the one we saw in a magazine) and you said yes.  While I was frosting the cake, Daddy went to the garage to get your present ready.  The look on your face when you saw your new red bike in the garage pure joy!  Lincoln helped you check out every detail of it and you hopped on to check out the size.  I think you have a great summer in store!

Our family & friends arrived around 2:30 for cake and ice cream.  After singing to you, we dug in to the tasty caterpillar and then you went outside with Lincoln and our friend, I.  A little while later, you asked if everyone could come outside to watch you open your presents.  You did a great job sharing your new things.  Your uncles helped you break in your new bat, glove & baseball and you also played a round of croquet with Nana.

I pray you always share that wonderful smile and welcoming personality with the world.  Your Daddy & I love you very much and look forward to seeing what God has in store for you this coming year.




Jake and I got up this morning and went to mass with Ingrid, letting the rest of the house sleep in.  My dad was there as well.  Afterward, my dad offered to take us to breakfast on main street.  Jake told me to go and he would head back to the house to check on the boys.  When we walked into the restaurant we found my brother and cousin Jared sitting at a table.  We sat down and shortly after, Josh and his girlfriend, Jordan, joined us.  My mom eventually joined us as well.  Good food and good conversation.

After breakfast Jared took Tony & me to see Josh’s new house and dogs.  Then we went back to Jared & Kyla’s to pack up, have lunch, and try to get a few pics of the cousins.  Emphasis on try.  (You may notice that Lincoln is missing from the little cousins photo – he wasn’t in the photo taking mood.)

I don’t know which group was more challenging to capture, the younger cousins or the older!

Finally, as we left town this afternoon we stopped to say one final goodbye to Uncle Joe.  As we were pulling into the cemetery, Lincoln said to me, “Mommy, that sleepover was a blast!”  It was really good to be with family.

Goodbye Joe

Saturday morning we got ready for the funeral and again, had the boys stay home with a babysitter.  The funeral was a beautiful good-bye to Uncle Joe.  My brother, cousin Kerri and I were asked to read the readings during the mass and we were also pall bearers along with Jake, Jared & Kyla, and Josh & Jordan.

After we returned from the cemetery, the church ladies provided us with a wonderful luncheon.  We were able to visit with many of our extended relatives, many of whom we had not seen for several years.  “Why is it that we only get together at weddings and funerals?” was a question that was asked many times over.

Jake and Jared brought the boys to the church after we were finished eating so we could introduce them to family members who had only seen them in pictures.  At that point we also selected a few items of Joe’s to remember him by.

After a long & emotional morning/afternoon, we returned to Jared & Kyla’s for the evening.  We had dinner and sat around the table reminiscing and looking at photos.

Uncle Joe ended up having the last laugh tonight.  My cousin, Josh, had brought home a humidifier box (after the encouragement of my mom).  When he opened it at home that night, he had to drive back to Jared & Kyla’s to show us what he had found.  Apparently my mom had used the box to send Joe a care package for his birthday back in what we think must have been 2004!  The birthday card and treats inside the box were never opened!  Little Debbie cakes were hard as rocks and Hershey Kisses exploded while Hershey Miniatures disintegrated.  From what we can figure, Uncle Joe must have thought he was getting a humidifier for his birthday and didn’t even bother to open the box.  So funny & yet, not surprising 🙂

Weekend trip to SD

We traveled to SD this weekend to lay my Uncle Joe to rest.  It was a sad reason to get together with family, but at the same time, good to be with family.  The kids and I rode with my dad (my mom had gone down earlier in the week and Jake and Tony drove together after work.)  All 3 kids did quite well in the car.  The boys were entertained for a while by good ‘ol Cars.  Thank you Pixar.

Once we arrived at my cousin’s house, we had dinner, changed and went to the prayer service for my uncle at the church.  Jared & Kyla found a sitter to watch all 4 boys so we could attend the service undistracted.  When Kyla and I arrived home, we found the boys here:

They remained up until about 11:30.  WWWWWAAAAYYYY past bedtime, but they were having so much fun with each other, how could we put them to bed???

1st trip to mass

We loaded up the crew and headed to our first mass as family of 5.

Ingrid was pretty worn out afterward, so she needed a nap – ha!

Picnic with Nana

Nolan has Vacation Bible School this week.  He has had a lot of fun!  Instead of just going home afterward, today we met Nana (my mom) at the “purple park” and had a picnic lunch.  This is one of the boys’ favorite parks.  They love the sand, the swings, the purple dinosaur, and of course, the digger.

St. Louis trip 2010

Our family has been privileged to journey with our friend, (now Fr. Joseph) for the last 2 1/2 years of his seminary formation.  He has become part of our family and has impacted our lives in both large and small ways.  He was present for Shecklet #2’s baptism and will hopefully be able to return in the fall to baptize our new baby.  We have shared birthdays, daily life events, losses, and successes.  Our boys have also had the opportunity to witness the joy of the call to the priesthood on a personal level.  He is an amazing young man and we look forward to seeing where God takes him!

We took a trip to St. Louis over Memorial Day weekend to attend Fr. Joseph’s priestly ordination.  Friday evening, my friend Jess and I (who are both preggo) took a short flight to the “Show-Me” state.  Our husbands, friend Michelle, and the boys loaded into the suburban and headed south just a little bit before 7AM.  Their trip was a tad more eventful than ours.  They started the trip out with a delicious breakfast at Michelle’s parents’ house, a visit with Sonic the bunny, and then got back on the road.  A few pit stops, books, movies & kid songs later, they arrived at our hotel in St. Louis right about the time Jess and I did.  All in all, we heard the drive went very well.  Jake and I are both so thankful for Brandon & Michelle’s willingness to travel with our two little guys.  Michelle has traveled with our family before, but it was Brandon’s first time – hopefully we didn’t scare him off!  I have no doubt that the kids did so well because of the care (and entertainment) they received while Jake manned the wheel.

Friday night we spent a little time walking around the area near our hotel, the Drury Inn, next to the St. Louis Arch.  We had a partial view of the monument from our corner room on the 5th floor – it was amazing!  The next time we visit, I hope we have a bit more time to explore the parks & fountains in the downtown area.  Maybe we’ll even get to take in a Cardinal’s game.  As we strolled by Busch Stadium, Shecklet #1 noticed the player banners hanging from the street lights.  He immediately said, “There’s Joe Mauer!”  We had to tell him that they probably weren’t Joe fans in St. Louis 🙂  After grabbing a bite to eat and eventually settling the kids down, we all crashed at about 11pm.

Saturday morning, we were up early to have breakfast at the hotel before heading to the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.  The ordination mass was beautiful!  It is actually somewhat difficult to put into words what being in the congregation felt like.  Being present to witness the transformation of the lives of the 8 newly ordained men was an experience I will never forget.  There is something about the rich tradition and ritual of the Catholic Church that is quite overwhelming at times like these.  (What I need to remember is that each Sunday I have the opportunity to experience that same overwhelming feeling when I attend mass…something for me to work on.)

(Ordination photos compliments of our friend, Rob Jensen.)

After the ordination, we had lunch and went back to the hotel.  We had a few hours between the ordination and the celebration reception, so we all crashed for about 2 hours.  It would have been fun to check out more of the St. Louis area, (like others from our MN group) but I think our time was better spent catching zzzz’s.  The reception for Fr. Joseph was very nice.  Throughout the evening, there were several people who spoke of his character, maturity, devotion to his vocation, and genuine love for the people of God.  We dined on a delicious tenderloin steak meal and enjoyed cupcakes from the Cupcakery.  Yum!  The boys also received steaks.  And thanks to the fact that there were 3 adult men at our table, I’m happy to report that none of their meat went to waste.

Our final day in St. Louis began with breakfast (again) followed by attending Fr. Joseph’s first mass.

(Mass and family photos compliments of our friend, Rob Jensen.)

After the brunch reception after mass, we packed up our hotel room and spent a little time down by the Arch.  (Or, as Shecklet #2 called it, “Big Arch!”)  We strategically planned on letting the boys run around for a while before we strapped them into the suburban for the trek home.  It was a muggy day, so we took advantage of the air conditioned museum/visitor center underneath the arch.  While we were there, I learned something about animals – check out the pictures below.

Jess and I had dinner with our friends, Brad & Libby, before getting dropped off at the airport to fly home.  Our suburban counterparts rolled back into town about 2:30 in the morning.  Apparently Shecklet #2 had a couple of rough hours on the way home, but once home in their own beds, both boys slept soundly.  Over the course of the 2 1/2 days they were gone, Shecklet #1 & Shecklet #2 spent a little over 20 hours in the car and close to 5 hours in the Cathedral Basilica.  They were real troopers!  I think we’ve probably maxed them out as far as road trips go for the summer though.  I think we’ll be staying pretty close to home for a while.

Three word phrases

Lincoln has started putting 3 words together to express what he wants.  Our fine-tuned parental ears have been able to make out the following desires (or demands :))

“I wan cu!” (I want cup) and “I wan ba.”  (I want ball) are two phrases we hear throughout the day.  He will add in a “peez” (please) complete with sign language if we ask him, “What do you say?”  It’s pretty cute.

Today’s phrase while driving in the suburban was, “I wan Jee jee!”  Which when played through the Lincoln translator, means, “I want Jesus.”  Further translation is required to know what the hidden meaning actually is.  We have a CD of kids’ praise music in the truck and when Nolan wants to listen to it, he asks for “Jesus music.”  Today, I guess it was Lincoln’s turn to ask DJ mom to select CD 4 from the set.