
Jake and I got up this morning and went to mass with Ingrid, letting the rest of the house sleep in.  My dad was there as well.  Afterward, my dad offered to take us to breakfast on main street.  Jake told me to go and he would head back to the house to check on the boys.  When we walked into the restaurant we found my brother and cousin Jared sitting at a table.  We sat down and shortly after, Josh and his girlfriend, Jordan, joined us.  My mom eventually joined us as well.  Good food and good conversation.

After breakfast Jared took Tony & me to see Josh’s new house and dogs.  Then we went back to Jared & Kyla’s to pack up, have lunch, and try to get a few pics of the cousins.  Emphasis on try.  (You may notice that Lincoln is missing from the little cousins photo – he wasn’t in the photo taking mood.)

I don’t know which group was more challenging to capture, the younger cousins or the older!

Finally, as we left town this afternoon we stopped to say one final goodbye to Uncle Joe.  As we were pulling into the cemetery, Lincoln said to me, “Mommy, that sleepover was a blast!”  It was really good to be with family.

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