4/4/20 – A new Shecklet

Back in December, we found out that we are expecting another Shecklet – due late August. Physically, this pregnancy has been rough. I’m tired, battling nausea and pregnancy sickness, and my patience is not what I would like for it to be. I wish I could turn a corner and start to feel better.

At my 10 week appointment, I had a dating ultrasound and it showed something of concern. Baby’s nuchal translucency was thicker than they expected to see at this time.

I had follow-up appointment (Jake was able to accompany me) with a perinatologist at 13 weeks along that showed that our baby has a cystic hygroma that grew substantially since my 10 week appointment. The doctor said the baby’s lymphatic system isn’t draining fluid like it should, so it’s building up around the back of the head and down the back.  The most likely causes are a chromosome abnormality or heart defect.  We did not opt to have any further testing to determine the cause at this time, largely because there isn’t anything that can be done medically. Also, for me, having more information right now would likely just lead to increased anxiety.

Our sweet Shecklet #5

The prognosis we were given is not good. I was told I could see my midwife weekly for heartbeat checks and if the baby is still fighting at 20 weeks, I would then have a Level II ultrasound and fetal echo. We would also revisit prognosis and potential blood tests for further information.

We told the kids about their new sibling (and how the baby is sick) when I reached about 16 weeks along. Jake also shared with his family and we have gradually been telling our friends. I am praying that this baby would be physically healed of all issues – if that is God’s will for him/her.  I am also really trying hard to just be present in the moment and be thankful for each day we are given with this new life.

Baby bump on 3/28/2020

I will be 20 weeks along this weekend. I don’t want to say I wasn’t expecting to make it this far, but from what the doctor told me back at week 13, it does seem a bit surprising. I continue to treasure each day we have with this baby and am grateful for the opportunity to feel him/her move. It’s heart has been beating strong at every weekly check. Now we wait to see what the ultrasound and echo tell us on 4/10. I know that making it to 20 weeks is not some magical milestone. I know that God’s plan for this baby may not be for us to bring him/her home to live with us. But I do know that His plan is good, this child exists(!) He loves this child, and we have been given the opportunity to love them too.

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