Sleep deprived

I have failed miserably at getting to bed at a decent hour for the last week. Tonight is more of the same. I had intended on going to sleep shortly after returning home from meeting with my women’s group, but instead got sucked in to HD TLC while multitasking and on my laptop – catching up on email, price shopping for Christmas gifts, and looking at flight options for a vacation we’ll be taking at some point. I need to work on getting a little more sleep. I walked around in a fog most of the day today, even parking in a spot at our church that I shouldn’t have. Whoops! No wonder the people in the car next to me looked at me so funny.

On a kid note, Shecklet #2 was doing kiddie push-ups tonight. I had put him in the pack & play for a time out because he chose to stand up in his highchair for the umpteenth time today. Apparently he got bored and started doing what looked like a combination of yoga and push-ups. Add in running around in circles and giggles and you’ve got quite a dinnertime show!


  1. Angela :-)

    I hear you on the staying up way too late. I’m back in a really bad habit that seems to come naturally to me. Want to have a contest to see who can get to bed at a reasonable time the most nights in a week & the loser gives the winner a prize?

    Angela 🙂

  2. veronica

    Define “reasonable” 🙂

  3. Angela :-)

    Um, by midnight for the first week? Maybe 11:30 the next?

    Angela 🙂

  4. veronica

    I think I may need to take you up on this contest after the 1st of the year. I want to at least be able to compete a little bit 🙂

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