Snow with gingerbread – media overload

The temps rose into the mid 20’s today, so we took advantage of the balmy weather and sun and headed out back to do a little shoveling & playing.  The snow was perfect – light & fluffy and easy for the kids to maneuver through with their snow gear & boots on.  Nolan helped me clear off the patio and Lincoln assisted with brushing off the wood bins on the deck.  They were both my little helpers this afternoon.  Nolan asked me to get thee sled out of the shed and he was nice enough to pull his little brother around the yard.  It was pretty funny to watch!  There were several times I thought Lincoln was going to tumble out, but he hung on!  Once Nolan was tired from pulling, I had Nolan jump in the sled and I took them around the yard.  We drove Maverick nuts as we made a figure eight path.

I bribed the kids this afternoon.  I told them we could finish decorating the gingerbread house we assembled this morning IF they took naps.  For Nolan, he not only had to take a nap, but not get out of bed (at all.)  It worked!  Both of them crashed for a good chunk of the afternoon, which really isn’t surprising since we spent about 45 minutes or so out in the cold right before they went to sleep.  I loaded the gingerbread with frosting and let the kids add the candies.  Lincoln actually ate more than he added to the house – at least the gumdrops he was eating were miniature 🙂  Nolan really got into the project.  It was a good way for him to have fun while practicing his counting.

Gym kindness and a Christmas program

When I went to pick the boys up from childcare at the gym this morning, the department head was holding a little boy as she scanned my membership card to check my kids out.  She told me the little guy in her arms had just been pushed down by his older brother in the gym.  My sweet Lincoln apparently went over to him, kissed his own hand and then patted the little boy’s back with that hand.  What a sweet gesture from my little guy!  It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Tonight was Nolan’s 1st preschool Christmas program.  Each class stood in the front of the church and sang two songs.  I think standing in front of the audience of parents, siblings, grandparents & friends was a bit overwhelming for a handful of the kids, including Nolan.  He stood quite nicely and looked out at everyone while most of his classmates sang.  At the end, when the audience applauded, he clapped excitedly too.  It was really cute!  Tonight, as Jake and I were getting the boys ready for bed, Nolan started singing one of the songs his class performed.  Maybe we’ll get a front row seat to a personal performance in the coming days.

Haircuts & Christmas Lights

The kids both got haircuts yesterday.  Nolan’s was long overdue.  I think his last one was mid-October, right before my mom has shoulder surgery.  I took the scissors into my own hands and snipped Lincoln’s hair in about 4 places before calling it good.  Nolan’s took a bit longer because it is so thick and curly, but he sat so well for me.  My past attempts at cutting his hair have not gone well.  Maybe the practice he’s had sitting still for my mom has rubbed off.

Tonight, as an incentive to finish dinner, I told the boys we’d drive around and look at Christmas lights.  Their eyes lit up and they gobbled up the food on their plates.  I loaded them into the suburban and off we went.  Every year, there is one house that is the fan favorite by a landslide.  We even have to drive by it during the day because Nolan and Lincoln both like looking at the display.  Lights on or off, it’s apparently exciting either way.

OTW – food (cake) frenzy

At lunch on Friday I was getting something from the kitchen, turned my attention from the table where the boys were dining for a split second and saw this when I directed my attention back at them:

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Nice huh?

Saturday we had hosted a birthday party at our house.  Our friend, Deacon Joseph, came over for dinner and knew WE were celebrating with him, but had no idea about 20 other people were going to show up to surprise him too.  Nolan had so much fun getting the birthday decorations out for the party.  By far the best decoration in his mind was the Mylar balloon which we accidentally forgot to send home with our friend.  Whoops!  I guess we can re-use it for Jesus’ birthday in 11 days.  🙂


Sunday we had a visit from my mom and a friend of hers who was visiting from SD.  She saw our house shortly after we bought it 6 1/2 years ago, so a lot has changed since then.  It was fun giving her the tour – she remembered so much about the way the house used to be.  I’m so glad we no longer have straw on the ceiling in the basement or black & neon fish wallpaper in the mudroom.  Seriously…you should see the pictures.

We’re still eating leftover cake from Saturday’s party.  We even sent cupcakes and cake home with other people.  I don’t think the problem was that we made too much, it’s that people didn’t eat enough!  Now I’m stuck with yummy frosted desserts staring me in the face when I walk into the kitchen.  My willpower just isn’t strong enough to withstand the temptation.  We had cupcakes for dessert tonight and Lincoln had a great time with his.  At one point he was using a portion of it like it was some sort of animal.  He hopped it along the tray of his highchair and made animal noises.  I know I should have probably kept him in line, but it was too funny.  I missed getting a picture of that specific scene, but do have a few of him making quite a mess.

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Nolan didn’t take a nap today.  The result was one tired boy at 7pm.  It was amazing how fast he crashed once we got him ready for bed.  I had told him earlier in the day that he was going to go to bed early tonight, but I didn’t think he’d have a problem making it until 7.  Guess I was wrong.  Lincoln on the other hand, was in good spirits for about an hour longer than his big brother.  That meant he got a little solo time with his mom & dad.  Here he is reading with his Daddy.  I love how much our kids enjoy reading books.  They even enjoy reading to each other – so cute.


The collector among us

As I was getting lunch ready today, Nolan came into the kitchen to requested that I tie the strings of his apron.  I asked if he was going to help me with lunch – he said no, he was going to work with his tools.  Apron = tool belt today, I guess.  Mini-man #2 then promptly requested an apron of his own.  Since we only have one kid-sized apron, I made due with a dish towel folded in a triangle for Lincoln.  He didn’t seem to mind.  He left the kitchen and returned with two buckets filled with random things from the toy room.  He set them on the kitchen floor and began to show me what was in them.  I’m pretty sure he has entered the “collector” stage.  I guess if things start to go missing, I know who I need to look to first.  🙂

Peppermint fudge

Jake stayed home this morning to avoid the traffic mess caused by the recent snow storm.  I was able to take Nolan to preschool without getting two kids bundled up and loaded into car seats.  It was a treat!  I’m amazed at how much faster I can maneuver when I’m only toting along one kid.  I wonder if I’d think the same thing if we had 3 and I only had to keep track of 2.  I digress…

Lincoln wasn’t very happy about being left at home this morning.  He’s used to going everywhere Nolan and I go, especially to school.  In order to get him to think about something other than missing his brother, I had him help break the candy canes for on top of the peppermint fudge I made.  It was the perfect job for a little boy!  And just in case you’re wondering how it turned out, the fudge is DELICIOUS!

OTW – crafts, cookies & party shirts

Friday afternoon after nap time, I pulled out the “magical box of craft supplies” and let the boys use their imaginations. They each selected a piece of construction paper and loaded it with stickers & popsicle sticks and then punched out stars. We also pulled out the glitter and made a few ornaments for the tree. I love that part of my job as a mom means I get to play with fun craft stuff alongside my kids.

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We were invited to a Christmas party on Saturday afternoon. Nolan and Lincoln helped me bake cookies to bring along. We made my Grandma Fran’s Gumdrop Cookies. (They’re my dad’s favorite, so I made sure we had extras to send my parents’ way.) I loaded the cookie sheets with dough balls and let the boys add the gumdrops. It was the perfect activity for them – just about as much fun as eating the final product.

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Today as the kids were getting ready for the day, Nolan told me he wanted to wear his party shirt to school. I figured it would be good practice for the birthday celebration we’re having for a friends of ours on Saturday. Once Nolan had his shirt on, Lincoln made it very apparent that he, too, wanted to wear his party shirt. Here are the partiers playing in their hut after dinner.

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Sleep deprived

I have failed miserably at getting to bed at a decent hour for the last week. Tonight is more of the same. I had intended on going to sleep shortly after returning home from meeting with my women’s group, but instead got sucked in to HD TLC while multitasking and on my laptop – catching up on email, price shopping for Christmas gifts, and looking at flight options for a vacation we’ll be taking at some point. I need to work on getting a little more sleep. I walked around in a fog most of the day today, even parking in a spot at our church that I shouldn’t have. Whoops! No wonder the people in the car next to me looked at me so funny.

On a kid note, Shecklet #2 was doing kiddie push-ups tonight. I had put him in the pack & play for a time out because he chose to stand up in his highchair for the umpteenth time today. Apparently he got bored and started doing what looked like a combination of yoga and push-ups. Add in running around in circles and giggles and you’ve got quite a dinnertime show!

Best job ever

Tonight as we were watching the boys play in the fort that is currently taking up half of the living room, Jake gave me a zerbert. The boys found this extremely humorous and quickly tackled me so they, too, could zerbert me. (Lincoln attempted his with his bink still in his mouth :)) Only a mom could be blessed to receive “I love you’s” in the form of something that sounds like a fart. I can honestly say I have the best job ever. I love my house of boys!

Dance, dance, dance

Today I pulled out the carousel that my Grandpa Cal (Pops) set our way last winter.  It is a source of much ooh-ing, aaah-ing, laughing & dancing.  The boys love that they can turn the thing on and off.  That’s the part I don’t love quite as much.  Turning it off means when they turn it back on, the song set starts from the beginning.  By the end of the Advent & Christmas seasons, I have a feeling I’m not going to want to hear Jingle Bells for another 12 months.

We had a visitor for a couple of hours this morning.  Little J came over to play with the boys.  She joined was just as enthralled with the carousel as the boys were.  I captured still shots of them checking out the little horses as they went up & down and around & around, but the video is way more entertaining!