Christmas Eve 2014

We attended our first Christmas Eve mass at our new parish this evening.  (We made the change back in July and have gradually been experiencing several “firsts.”)  My parents joined us again this year.  We have been able to attend mass with them on Christmas Eve for at least the last 3 years.  It’s a tradition I hope we’re able to continue.

After mass, we attempted to get group shots of everyone in their Christmas attire.  We gave it our best shot!

2014 - 12 December 24 - Xmas Eve 2014 - 12 December 24 - Xmas Eve2 DSC_3061b DSC_3116b


While I went for a much needed haircut (I chopped off 7 1/2 inches!) apparently the kids were busy at home wrapping presents and making gift tags with Aunt Larissa.


After wrapping, the boys got their snow gear together and Larissa took them to meet up with Aunt Kari to do some snow tubing.  They said they had a blast! (Not surprisingly, Shecklet #1 selected a red tube and Shecklet #2 selected a green tube.)


Christmas #1 2014

After Shecklet #2 lost his tooth, we loaded up into the suburban and headed for Grandma & Grandpa’s house. We gathered early this year since Jason and Bri were in town from out west.  Great Grandma Lois and Papa Dale also joined us for the evening’s festivities.  (Unfortunately, Stacie couldn’t make it home to be with us.)  We had a delicious ham dinner with tasty side dishes and wine – just the adults 😉  After dining, we gathered in the family room to open presents.  This year, Shecklet #4 had a much better idea as to what was going on.  She was more than willing to help everyone with their gift opening!  Once the kids had a chance to check out/play with their new things, we had desert – peppermint ice cream pie – delish!

2014 - 12 December 12 - Xmas in Hastings

Missing tooth

Shecklet #2 has had a loose tooth for weeks.  He finally made decent wiggling progress this week and it was primed for pulling.  He let me grab on to it and it popped right out.  He was one proud kid!  (And excited to have the tooth fairy visit.)

2014 - 12 December 12 - Lincoln loses 1st tooth

Bartering Fair

Shecklet #2 has been learning about ancient Egypt at school.  The culmination of their Egyptian unit was a bartering fair.  The kids created Egyptian items in class that they used to barter with parents.  They each had a “keep” and “trade” pile in front of them.  I brought an assortment of trinkets, stickers & pencils to barter with.  Some kids were bartering pros – I’m guessing their parents really enjoy that at home!


After everyone finished trading items, the kids had a Egyptian-inspired snack (figs, pomegranate seeds, “mummy wraps,” grapes, apples and pitas.)


Target practice

Shecklet #2 is currently all about dart guns and target practice.  Here is today’s arrangement in the basement.


All Saints Party

We opted to try something different on October 31st this year.  Our new parish holds an All Saints party with a hot dog dinner, games for the kids, entertainment (this year it was a juggler) and the option to also bring home candy.  With temperatures dipping low, the added bonus of the event being indoors was great.  We had two shepherds, St. Gianna (a doctor) and a monkey from Noah’s ark.  The kids had a lot of fun and Shecklet #3 was also an assistant for one of the juggler’s tricks.

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes1

2014 - 10 October 31 - All Saint's Party costumes2

Photo booth props

Aunt Larissa came over bright and early to watch the Shecklets so Jake and I could go to the Gopher’s homecoming game today.  From the looks of it, I’m pretty sure the kids had a good time.

2014 -10 October 18 - Kid photo booth props

Outside with Grandma

Grandma Patti came to help us with the kids today so Jake and I could attend conferences at the boys’ school and run a couple of other errands sans the Shecklets.  They played outside for most of the morning and she captured these two great shots:

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