May Day 2015

wpid-imag1917_burst005_cover.jpgWe had a crazy doorbell ring followed by a possible Nana sighting this evening.  Out on front stoop, the kids were surprised to find colorful popcorn containers filled with blinking rings, confetti paper and gift cards to Target with Spot the dog toys attached.  Such fun!



The view from above.

It’s one of those rare times when all four Shecklets are in the same room and there’s hardly a sound from anyone.  (We just got home from an after school library stop.)  I love how excited they are to have a set of new books!wpid-imag1893_burst005.jpg

Holy Saturday Egg Hunt

We took the kids to an egg hunt at our old parish this morning. We arrived slightly after the event began and it looked like there were plenty of eggs to go around.  Unfortunately, by the time we went inside, dropped off our food shelf donations and went back outside, all but a couple of eggs had been collected.  I felt pretty bummed for my kids (especially since other children were walking around with baskets over-flowing with eggs) but they didn’t seem to mind.  I really am proud of their behavior in situations like that.  They could have easily thrown a tantrum or gotten emotional over not being able to find any eggs, but instead, they just rolled with it and moved on.  Perhaps one silver-lining that they discovered once we went back in the building to have a treat and work on a couple of crafts, is that this year, they had REAL bunnies for the kids to have their photo taken with.


Spring cleaning

Shecklet #1 designed his own vacuum hanging contraption to use while he cleaned out my truck this afternoon.


Meanwhile, Shecklet #2 gave me a hand with cleaning the salt and sand off of the rubber floor mats.


Shecklet #2 is 7!

Seven years ago, we met this little guy:


He captured our hearts immediately and life has been full of fun, laughs, and joy ever since!


Lincoln –

We are so proud of the young man you are becoming. You’re a confident, SPARK-filled, leader who is on his way to doing great things in this world!  You love to be outside, riding your bike, scooter, or running around playing Nerf guns with the neighbors and your brother.  Laser tag is one of your favorite things to do and you are currently having lots of fun in the pool at your swimming lessons.  You continue to learn about Jesus and your faith and are asking really good questions along the way.  I love the way your little mind is always thinking!  I pray you will always know how much your dad and I love you, but more importantly, how much God loves you and wants to be central in your life.

We are excited to see what your 7th year holds for you!


Mom & Dad


Here are the answers to the questions I ask you every year:

  1.  What is your favorite color?  Lime green
  2. What is your favorite toy?  Wii
  3. What is your favorite fruit?  Kiwi
  4. What is your favorite TV show?  Odd Squad (on PBS Kids)
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Doughnut
  6. What is your favorite outfit?  Shorts with a shirt
  7. What is your favorite game?  Rayman (on the PlayStation)
  8. What is your favorite snack?  fruit snacks
  9. What is your favorite animal?  Stingray, Cheetah, Great White Shark
  10. What is your favorite song?  Dancing Hamster (aka Hamster Dance)
  11. What is your favorite book?  Dragonbreath
  12. Who is your best friend?  Zander
  13. What is your favorite cereal?  Peanut Butter Cheerios
  14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play with K&T (neighbor boys) with their Nerf guns
  15. What is your favorite drink?  Root beer
  16. What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  All the stuffed animals
  18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Cinnamon rolls with caramel
  19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Noodles with hot dogs (aka homemade mac-n-cheese with hot dogs)
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? “I don’t know.”
  21. What is your favorite movie?  Penguins of Madagascar & Big Hero 6 & Pinocchio



Pink or Blue?

My brother and sister-in-law recently shared the exciting news that they are having a baby!  The new addition is slated to arrive in late July.  They had an ultrasound this week and found out if it is a girl or boy.  Keeping us in suspense a few days, they made a special trip to our house this afternoon to share cupcakes with us.  Topped with yellow frosting, we had to bite in to the middle to discover whether the filling was pink or blue.  Shecklet #2 was the first to make the discovery – PINK!  Shortly after Shecklet #2 reported what he found, Shecklet #3 piped in and said, “I hope mine is pink too!”  Lucky for her, it was 🙂

Science Fair 2015

We survived our first science fair!

Maybe I should rephrase that. We survived our first science fair where one of our kids was responsible for completing a project on their own and not part of a class.  During kindergarten and 1st grade, students complete a project as a class. They have the option of doing a project on their own, but we never went that route. Once they hit 2nd grade, they’re all on their own (or with 1 other friend, if they choose.) Knowing schedules are hectic, we didn’t even propose that option to Shecklet #1. That enabled us to do things at our own pace, which was a good way to ease into the world of elementary school science fair projects.

Shecklet #2’s class project involved discovering what happens to gummy bears when they are submerged in different liquids. He thought it was pretty cool that vinegar disintegrated the gummy bear.


Shecklet #1’s research question was “Which materials are the best conductors?” He did research that involved talking to Papa and looking up definitions in the dictionary. He worked with Jake to set up his experiment and typed up the information for the poster board he designed. He learned a lot, including that sometimes research leads to more questions, not just answers.



Snow turtle

Three brothers in a suburb near our old house built an enormous snow turtle in their front yard.  (Apparently they have made several snow sculptures in the past – wish we had known when we lived in the area!)  I had the older Shecklets with me while I picked up Shecklet #3 from preschool today, so I decided to make a slight detour on our way home to see the turtle in person.  The kids were pretty impressed!


Christmas #3

Christmas at my parents’ house was lovely…tasty food, fun with family, laughter and surprises…

2014 - 12 December 25 - Xmas in MG1

2014 - 12 December 25 - Xmas in MG2

…until about 8:30, when we discovered that our dog, Cooper, was not feeling well. We quickly discovered that he had found a stash of chocolate somewhere in the house…enough to fill this tin:


After speaking with the after-hours emergency vet, we decided that we needed to bring him in. Since we had only driven one car to my parents’ house, my dad offered to take Cooper and me to the vet so Jake and the kids could stay and finish desert.

I’ll spare the details, but suffice it to say, we left two hours later with a dog with an empty stomach who, though he was shaking due to the caffeine in the chocolate, was going to be ok.  Christmas 2014…one for the memory books!

Christmas #2

We spent Christmas morning & afternoon at home. It was so nice to start the day at a relaxing pace.

2014 - 12 December 25 - Xmas Morning