Holy Saturday Egg Hunt

We took the kids to an egg hunt at our old parish this morning. We arrived slightly after the event began and it looked like there were plenty of eggs to go around.  Unfortunately, by the time we went inside, dropped off our food shelf donations and went back outside, all but a couple of eggs had been collected.  I felt pretty bummed for my kids (especially since other children were walking around with baskets over-flowing with eggs) but they didn’t seem to mind.  I really am proud of their behavior in situations like that.  They could have easily thrown a tantrum or gotten emotional over not being able to find any eggs, but instead, they just rolled with it and moved on.  Perhaps one silver-lining that they discovered once we went back in the building to have a treat and work on a couple of crafts, is that this year, they had REAL bunnies for the kids to have their photo taken with.


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