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Prior to the day getting warm (and dry) enough for us to venture outside the walls of our house for the first time in 4 days, the boys discovered just how fun paper towels can be.  Again, I have to thank Sam’s Club for the large number of rolls of fun we have in our basement.  Apparently these are the blocks of choice today.  They are easy to carry around, somewhat challenging to stack up, and loads of fun to knock down, kick around, and collapse on.  And the great thing is, they don’t hurt when you get hit by one.

Shecklet #2 has discovered that his spoon (which he only parts with when he sleeps & eats) makes a great catapult.  Today’s launch item was chalk.  He challenged himself by loading up the spoon and attempting to stand up without dumping the contents prior to being able to throw the pieces everywhere.  Where do kids learn this stuff?

Yes, the boys were dressed alike today.  We were going for “comfy” and when Shecklet #1 saw what Shecklet #2 was wearing, he wanted to wear the same thing.  This is the exact opposite of what we experienced a week ago when Shecklet #2 HAD to wear the same Lightning McQueen outfit that Shecklet #1 had on.  Good thing we had an outfit his size!

Shecklet #2’s lovey

My youngest son seems to have an affinity for kitchen items.  Forget using a blanket as a “lovey,” give my kid a utensil.  Last week, Shecklet #2’s preference was a mini rolling pin.  This week, it’s a large black kitchen spoon.  He has discovered it is like a “Go-Go-Gadget arm” that he can use to reach things on the counter, use as a drum stick, or fend off his big brother.  Crazy kid!

Lunch Conversation

Out of the blue today at lunch, Nolan started up this conversation with me:
Nolan: Do you remember going to Alan & Kim’s house?  They have a dog!
Mom: Do you remember his name?
Nolan: Ummmm…
Mom: Is it Dakota?
Nolan: Ya, Dakota!  Dakota tackled me! *big smile*  We should go to Alan & Kim’s house again. It was fun!
I guess Nolan is ready for a rematch with Dakota 🙂

Grandma Patti & Grandpa Dave joined us for dinner tonight.  The kids practically jumped through the front window when they saw them arrive – they were so excited!  After we ate, G & G took the boys to the indoor playground near our house.  Nolan has been asking to go for quite a while – we drive by it every time we go to preschool.  I’m glad they had a chance to get some good play time in today.  The recent cold weather and rain are making it tough to get them outside lately!

Who needs toys when you have…

club size packages of diapers and wipes.

A recent trip to Sam’s Club replenished our stash of size 3’s and wet wipes.  I threw the packages on top of the clean laundry I was already hauling upstairs and let the boys help me unload everything in their room.  They had so much fun playing, building, crashing in to, and moving the compact & semi-cushy “blocks.”  When we finished putting away their clean clothes, we switched rooms and the diapers & wipes came along with us.  Here are a couple of shots of the boys building and destroying a “road.”  I love how Shecklet #1’s creative juices are flowing so much lately and how Shecklet #2 mimics his brother’s every move.

Water & Graces

The boys and I spent time in the backyard this afternoon.  They got to play with squirt bottles while I gave the lawn a quick once-over with the lawnmower.  (It was my attempt to keep the mosquitoes at bay – they seem to really love my kids.)  As you can see from the pictures, Shecklet #1 has the correct form down pat.  Shecklet #2 on the other hand is still learning how to manage the squirter.  Actually, maybe the direction of his bottle is intentional.  He figured out that he can actually squirt the water into his mouth if it’s pointed this way.  Smart boy!

This evening, “Auntie Lissa” (this is how Shecklet #1 says Auntie Larissa) came over so Jake and I could attend a meeting at our church.  We’re part of a small group of people who meet once a month with a seminarian friend from the St. Paul Seminary to discuss a topic of our friend’s choice.  The overall goal of the meetings is to give our friend a chance to discuss parish and family life from the laity’s perspective.  Tonight’s topic was a re-visitation of last year’s first meeting topic, “graces we have received over the course of the summer.”  I couldn’t help but reflect back on how much our family and friends have supported us through prayer this summer and what a huge blessing that has been to our family.  We know that the peace we have felt throughout recent difficult situations is an answer to the prayers being said on our behalf.