Brought to you by Bounty

Prior to the day getting warm (and dry) enough for us to venture outside the walls of our house for the first time in 4 days, the boys discovered just how fun paper towels can be.  Again, I have to thank Sam’s Club for the large number of rolls of fun we have in our basement.  Apparently these are the blocks of choice today.  They are easy to carry around, somewhat challenging to stack up, and loads of fun to knock down, kick around, and collapse on.  And the great thing is, they don’t hurt when you get hit by one.

Shecklet #2 has discovered that his spoon (which he only parts with when he sleeps & eats) makes a great catapult.  Today’s launch item was chalk.  He challenged himself by loading up the spoon and attempting to stand up without dumping the contents prior to being able to throw the pieces everywhere.  Where do kids learn this stuff?

Yes, the boys were dressed alike today.  We were going for “comfy” and when Shecklet #1 saw what Shecklet #2 was wearing, he wanted to wear the same thing.  This is the exact opposite of what we experienced a week ago when Shecklet #2 HAD to wear the same Lightning McQueen outfit that Shecklet #1 had on.  Good thing we had an outfit his size!

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