Pirates and a party

Visiting the Real Pirates exhibit at the Science Museum

Celebrating (outside) with a volcano cake, family & friends

Chicks, swans & Grandma Patti’s birthday

We went to Grandma Patti & Grandpa Dave’s house tonight to celebrate Grandma’s birthday (a day early.) I took the kids down after Ingrid got up from her nap, so we arrived a little before dinner time.  We took advantage of the great weather and went for a walk. Neighbors up the road just received 60 new baby chicks, so we brought the kids over to see the fluffy peepers.  From there, we walked up the hill to another neighbor’s pond to see the swans.  The male was not pleased with the proximity at which we were looking at him and his mate.  The way he flared his feathers made for a visually interesting show.

After we had dinner and birthday grasshopper pie (Grandma Patti’s favorite) we went back outside for some fun in the driveway & yard.  The three amigos all had to have their turn trying to climb the basketball pole.  They all needed a little boost from Uncle Jason & Daddy.

Ingrid’s 1st trip to FL

My baby girl and I had our first girls’ weekend in FL.  We had an early flight out on Friday morning and spent the weekend with Lois & Kathi.  They have been patiently waiting to meet our little miss.  This past weekend was extra special because Lois celebrated her 96th birthday on Saturday.  I’m so happy we were able to be with her on her special day.  She has known me since I was 4 days old and has loved me like a granddaughter.  I am so thankful for her!

No trip to the Sunshine State would be complete without a trip to the beach.  Ingrid wasn’t too fond of the water or the sand.  I’m sure that will change in time.  It was a wonderful weekend spent with fantastic ladies!  I can’t wait to do it again!


Jake and I got up this morning and went to mass with Ingrid, letting the rest of the house sleep in.  My dad was there as well.  Afterward, my dad offered to take us to breakfast on main street.  Jake told me to go and he would head back to the house to check on the boys.  When we walked into the restaurant we found my brother and cousin Jared sitting at a table.  We sat down and shortly after, Josh and his girlfriend, Jordan, joined us.  My mom eventually joined us as well.  Good food and good conversation.

After breakfast Jared took Tony & me to see Josh’s new house and dogs.  Then we went back to Jared & Kyla’s to pack up, have lunch, and try to get a few pics of the cousins.  Emphasis on try.  (You may notice that Lincoln is missing from the little cousins photo – he wasn’t in the photo taking mood.)

I don’t know which group was more challenging to capture, the younger cousins or the older!

Finally, as we left town this afternoon we stopped to say one final goodbye to Uncle Joe.  As we were pulling into the cemetery, Lincoln said to me, “Mommy, that sleepover was a blast!”  It was really good to be with family.

Goodbye Joe

Saturday morning we got ready for the funeral and again, had the boys stay home with a babysitter.  The funeral was a beautiful good-bye to Uncle Joe.  My brother, cousin Kerri and I were asked to read the readings during the mass and we were also pall bearers along with Jake, Jared & Kyla, and Josh & Jordan.

After we returned from the cemetery, the church ladies provided us with a wonderful luncheon.  We were able to visit with many of our extended relatives, many of whom we had not seen for several years.  “Why is it that we only get together at weddings and funerals?” was a question that was asked many times over.

Jake and Jared brought the boys to the church after we were finished eating so we could introduce them to family members who had only seen them in pictures.  At that point we also selected a few items of Joe’s to remember him by.

After a long & emotional morning/afternoon, we returned to Jared & Kyla’s for the evening.  We had dinner and sat around the table reminiscing and looking at photos.

Uncle Joe ended up having the last laugh tonight.  My cousin, Josh, had brought home a humidifier box (after the encouragement of my mom).  When he opened it at home that night, he had to drive back to Jared & Kyla’s to show us what he had found.  Apparently my mom had used the box to send Joe a care package for his birthday back in what we think must have been 2004!  The birthday card and treats inside the box were never opened!  Little Debbie cakes were hard as rocks and Hershey Kisses exploded while Hershey Miniatures disintegrated.  From what we can figure, Uncle Joe must have thought he was getting a humidifier for his birthday and didn’t even bother to open the box.  So funny & yet, not surprising 🙂

Happy 3rd birthday Lincoln!

Dear Lincoln,

I thought I’d write you a recap letter detailing today’s events.  I can’t believe you are 3 years old today.  As I sit here typing, I’m looking at a picture of you and your big brother when he visited us in the hospital after your birth.  You look so tiny!  Yet, I can see in your eyes, it’s you!  You have become such a fun, independent, inquisitive & loving boy.  I thank God for the gift you are in my life!

The day started off much like it did on the Easter Sunday you were born – we woke up to wet, heavy snow.  You, Nolan & I had breakfast in our pj’s and gobbled up purple waffles – your request.  After getting dressed, we had planned on going to the Children’s Museum, but the snow and slop made the roads extra messy (and dangerous,) so we decided to save that adventure for another day.  You didn’t seem to mind since you had a chance to play with a few of the birthday presents you opened in the morning.

For lunch, you asked for “Taco Bells,” so you and Daddy (who took the day off from work) picked up tacos and nachos for us.  After lunch, you, Nolan & Daddy went to pick up your cake – Buzz Lightyear was what you asked for this year.  I briefly considered making your cake again this year, but decided to let the ladies at the bakery make it for you this go-around.  You fell asleep in the car on the way home, so Daddy laid you down for a birthday nap – probably a good idea since you ended up being up past your bed time yet again tonight.

Our family and friends came over for cake and ice cream at about 6:30.  We sang “Happy Birthday” to you and your eyes just beamed!  I think you enjoyed being the center of attention today 🙂  After cake, you politely asked if you could open your presents, and had so much fun doing so.  You received many wonderful, sweet well-wishes & gifts from your grandparents, aunts, uncles & friends.

You are loved by so many wonderful people, Lincoln.  Never forget that.  And in the words of your great-grandma Fran, God loves you, and so do I!




Present from Aunt Kari & visit from Uncle Jason

Aunt Kari sent the boys a package a few weeks before Ingrid was born.  We held off on having them open it until after she came home.  They loved what they found inside the envelope.  Although I have to admit, I think I ate most of their Raisinets.  Sorry boys!

Uncle Jason came to visit tonight.  He brought puzzles for the boys (which they love) and got to meet Ingrid.

Boys visit Nissedalen

Kari was in town this weekend (and it was her birthday) so being the wonderful brother he is 🙂 Jake so Jake loaded up the boys and headed north where she was visiting.  I didn’t feel up for the trek, so I opted to stay home and get a little (much needed) rest.  Judging from the pictures Jake took, everyone had a lot of fun.  Stacie and Larissa were also there, so there was no shortage of extra hands if Jake needed help corralling the kiddos.  And of course, no visit to the lake would be complete without some casting practice.  Forget actually fishing for fish, my kids just like to cast and reel the casting weight back in 🙂

Up North

We visited my extended family this weekend.  It is probably the last time we’ll get up their way until after the baby arrives.  The drive to get there is about my limit as far as the amount of time I can spend in a car at one time, at this point.

We got into town about 2pm and stopped at my Great Auntie Helen’s house (my grandma’s twin sister.)  It was really good to see her.  She hadn’t seen the boys in quite some time, so she was excited to have them visit.  She gave them animal crackers as we were leaving – they were thrilled!

Afterward, we went to my Uncle Ron & Aunt Judy’s house.  The boys were enthralled with the equipment my uncle has in his woodworking shop. They even lended a hand with cleaning up sawdust.  Give them a shovel and they’ll move just about anything for you!  Ron also took them outside in his yard to see his skid loader and they “played pool” in the basement.  It was nice to have them entertained while I chatted with my Aunt Judy and cousin, Jeana.

We went to mass at my Grandma Fran’s church and then went out to dinner with my Uncle Gene, Aunt Ann, and cousin, Amy.  After we ate, we all headed for the hotel pool.  Unfortunately it was freezing cold!  But Jake and Amy were brave enough to take the boys in.  I only set foot in the chilly water when Lincoln decided to slide off the edge into the shallow end without anyone there to catch him!  Talk about my heart skipping a beat!  For him though, it was all fun.  The experience didn’t frighten him in the least.  That kid is going to be put in swimming lessons as soon as we have him potty trained.  He has no fear of water, which is both good and bad.

Sunday morning we woke up and went to Ann & Gene’s house.  My parents arrived shortly before we left – they were part of a group of my Grandma & Great Aunt’s kids who were taking them out (in a limo) to celebrate their 93rd birthday.  (The limo was a surprise to them – I think they enjoyed themselves :))  Nolan wanted to check out the inside of the car, but Lincoln did not.

On our way out of town, we stopped at the Mineview to show the boys the biggest dump trucks they had ever seen.

We then loaded into our car and headed to Duluth for Jake’s cousin’s 30th birthday party.  When arrived at the party, the first thing the boys saw was the giant inflatable cake jumper in the backyard.  It was a definitely highlight of the party for the kids.  We spent a couple of hours at the celebration and then headed for home.  It was a quick trip up and back, but well worth it!