Easter 2014

Easter morning came early for us this year.  In order to make it to mass on time (7:30 am) with all six of us dressed in our Easter finery, my alarm went off just a tad before 5:30 am.  I longed to hit the snooze button just one more time (I had already pressed it 4 times) but I manged to get myself out of bed to start the day.  The kids were wonderfully chipper and got ready without incident.  If there’s one perk to attending the “early” mass on Easter, it’s being able to arrive at the church 10 minutes prior to mass beginning and still get a front row pew.  And we had all the space we needed, which comes in handy now that Shecklet #4 is a wiggler/mover.

After mass, the kids searched for their Easter baskets and were treated to some new duds, flip-flops, gum, Holy Heroes cd’s and a few chalk activities for the driveway.

2014 - 04 April 20 - Easter

A little while later, we packed up and headed to Jake’s grandparents’ house to have brunch with family and friends.  The weather was gorgeous – we couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.

Once we returned home, we let the older kids break out the sidewalk chalk paint.  (We have yet to bust open the new box of chalk.  I don’t know who is more excited – me or the kids!)

I was hoping to snap a few more photos today, but instead chose to just enjoy the moment and conversations taking place around me.  I did capture a few pictures of relatives we don’t get to see very often as well as one of Lincoln with Uncle Mark.  They were sporting similar hair styles 🙂

2014 - 04 April 20 - Easter1

Christmas Day 2013

The Littles got up filled with excitement this morning!  They went downstairs and quickly found their stockings filled with an assortment of stocking stuffers and  new pj’s.  Once Jake and I came downstairs they started handing out gifts – finding the ones they picked out for me and begging me to open them.  My heart melted.  They didn’t want to open THEIR gifts, they wanted me to open mine.  (I told them I was excited to see what they picked out for me, but did convince them to open some of their gifts first.)  When I finally opened my presents, I found that once again, they each picked out something that was extremely thoughtful.  Little #1 knows I love elephants, so he chose an elephant calendar for my office wall.  Little #2 overheard that my hand mixer had seen better days, so he selected an amazing replacement one for me.  (I opened his present a day early because (1) he couldn’t contain his excitement and (2) he wanted me to use it for mixing up the batter for the cookies we made on Christmas Eve morning.  Little #3 apparently made a bee-line for the nail polish at Target when she went shopping with her dad and selected two nail polishes.  (She’s big in to having me paint her nails and then wants to paint mine.)  Little #4’s gift was a set of four mini-spatulas, which I have been secretly hoping would show up in my kitchen.  Four wonderful, thoughtful presents from my four Littles.

The gifts the Littles received were theme based this year.  I had heard about the idea of giving kids something they need, something they want, something to read, and we added giving them something to share among the four of them.  I wrapped each theme in similar paper and the kids took turns opening their themed gift.  I thought it worked quite well and would like to use the same idea next year.

Xmas at home 2013

After quiet/naptime, we loaded up the truck and headed for Grandma and Grandpa’s house.  Everyone was home for the afternoon/evening.  We had dinner as a family and then took a few group photos before opening presents.

It started with two:


Two became seven:


Add six more:


And it gets crazy!


The kids of course, thoroughly enjoyed opening their gifts.  Little #4 was delighted to play with the paper and boxes.

Sheck fam Xmas 2013

Halloween 2013

The 3 older Littles love playing with the dress up clothes/costumes in our basement.  It’s not surprising then, that the idea of collecting candy just for dressing up is sheer brilliance in their minds.  I’m pretty sure that the level of excitement doesn’t stem from the possibility of eating everything they bring home. They purely enjoy dressing up, greeting the neighbors, collecting, combining, and then sorting what they were so generously given.

This year, our Littles went as a mummy, baby dragon, cowgirl and a gnome.  It was so much fun seeing Little #2 wear the mummy costume that Uncle Tony wore as a kid.  Little #4, the dragon, was the third Shecklet to don the warm, fuzzy, green outfit. (Little #3 was too little her first Halloween and too big her second.)  We put a pink bow on her head to make her a “girl dragon.”  Our cowgirl was a superhero with her pink mask, and our garden gnome was grinning from ear to ear, but you couldn’t quite see it through his long, white beard.

three dragons

Trick-or-treating began after school when we stopped by “the loft” to visit Papa, Mr. Eric and Uncle Tony.  Auntie Kristin also came by and brought the kids a treat.  From there, we went to Nana & Papa’s house to run up the front sidewalk and ring the doorbell.  After a few group photos and adding non-edible treats to their buckets/bags, we loaded back up and drove home to get ready for round three in our neighborhood.

Two of our friends joined us for the fun.  The guys walked the kids door-to-door and the ladies took turns holding Little #4.  Little #3 joined us back home after making it around most of our block.  From what I was told, the boys made mad dashes between houses as they went around the rest of the neighborhood.  It was cool and slightly misty out tonight, so I’m sure running helped keep them at least a little warm.

Upon their return, Little #1 & Little #2 dumped their candy into one pile.  Little #3 didn’t want to be left out, so she added hers to the mix.  Then, being the organizers that they are, they set to work on sorting the candy by type.  Who knew that Halloween could double as math exercise?

Halloween 2013

We ended our nightly prayers by praying for the people who handed out candy tonight.  It was a great way to talk to the Littles about what generosity means and how we can in turn be generous to others – and not just when it comes to candy.  I love to see their little hearts so open to such a concept.

Fall trip to the orchard

We took a trip to Jake’s parents’ house today and were able to enjoy the beautiful weather!  The kids got to trick-or-treat at Grandma and Grandpa’s house and then we headed to the apple orchard where my mother-in-law works ever fall.  The older three Littles loved checking out the animals, climbing the hay bales, playing on the wooden train, going for a tractor ride and navigating the corn maze.  Little #4 wasn’t very enthralled with taking group photos with her siblings, but we tried.

Apple orchard



We are Golden Gophers, but who can resist this sweet face in her Bucky gear? This outfit is compliments of Aunt Stacie.

Practice curls


With Tony and Kristin’s wedding just four days away, we needed to do a trial run of Little #3’s curls for the big day.


Bug and Flower Shades


My future SIL gave the kids these fun sunglasses and stickers today. She has a knack for finding such fun things for the Littles.


We also had to try them on Little #4. Her expression cracks me up!

Little Miss has her golden birthday!

Dear Little #3,

It’s hard to believe how fast two years has gone!  You have grown so much in the past year.  We love to watch you try new things, say new words, and follow your brothers around.  You always want to do what they’re doing.  However, you  definitely have shown us you are a girl.  You have opinions on what clothes you want to wear, love to play with your dolls (feed them, change them, carry them around,) and you love to play with my hair.  One of my current favorite phrases of yours is, “I like your hair.”  (It sounds more like, “I yike yours hair.”)  You say this with your thumb in your mouth as you grab on to my ponytail.  It’s very sweet.

Your birthday was celebrated three times this year.  Daddy was out of town on your actual birthday, so we texted him photos of you eating the yummy German chocolate cake that Nana brought over for us to eat.  Once he got back into town, we had a party for you (at the rental house we’re living in for a few months) and celebrated with Nana & Papa, Grandma & Grandpa, Great Grandma Lois & Papa Dale, Aunt Kari, Aunt Larissa, Uncle Jason & Bri, and Michelle & Angelo.  You had fun opening your presents (so did your brothers) and we topped the evening off with cake & ice cream.  A week later, Uncle Tony & Kristin came over for dinner and we got to celebrate again 🙂  This time, we dined on cupcakes!

DSC_0736   DSC_0763DSC_0779


You are going to make a great big sister! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you in the coming year!



Lincoln’s 4th birthday!

Dear Lincoln,

I am sure we say this every year now, but I cannot believe you are 4 years old!  It seems like such a short time ago that your daddy and I were preparing for your arrival.  Your entrance into this world is one that will always be extra-special because of the fact that you were born on Easter Sunday.  So in a way, your birthday gets remembered twice each year.  Once on your “real” birthday and again on Easter, because it was such a special day for us.

You have grown more this year than ever.  Gone are the toddler features you had when you were three.  You are a full-fledged preschooler!  (Complete with a shorter haircut than you had last year 🙂 )  You love to ask questions and discover the meanings of new words.  Your handwriting is impressive as is your ability to remember what you learn at school.  I am so thankful for the Godly instruction you have twice a week.  You’ve even taught me a few things!

Some of your favorite things include riding your scooter, playing in the pool at the gym, casting with your fishing pole, playing in the sandbox, and constructing forts & buildings with your brother.  You also love your little sister so much!

We celebrated your birthday by taking you to the science museum to see the “real pirates” exhibit.  Your favorite part was the movie in the beginning, but you also liked raising the flag, looking through the periscope, and the treasure chest of pirate booty.  After the museum, we went out for pizza and then went home to get ready for your party.

Family & friends came at 6:30 and the weather was so unseasonably warm that we had everyone gather outside in the driveway.  That was a first!  I’m guessing there won’t be too many years where you’ll be celebrating your birthday outside without a jacket.  You requested a “volcano cake” so I attempted to come through for you.  I made two angel food cakes, placed them on top of each other and dumped two cans of cherries on top of them.  You loved it, which is all that counts!  (It actually got rave reviews from everyone else too, and there was only one piece to spare at the end of the night.

As if cake & ice cream aren’t enough on a 4th birthday, you asked your dad if we could also have s’mores.  So your awesome daddy brought the fire pit up to the front, started the fire, went to get s’mores ingredients and we had round two of sugary treats.  I have to say, you were in rare form when we finally put you to bed.

You are a sweet, smart, spunky boy, Lincoln.  We love you so much!  And we’re looking forward to watching you learn and grow in the coming year.


Mommy & Daddy


I found this list of questions on another mom’s blog and thought I would start a new tradition of asking you and your siblings to answer them every year around your birthday, just for fun.

  1. What is your favorite color? Purple, green & pink
  2. What is your favorite toy? Buzz Lightyear that spreads his wings out
  3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon & pineapple
  4. What is your favorite TV show? “Shaun the Sheep” and “Brer Rabbit” on kids Netflix
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Mac-n-cheese
  6. What is your favorite outfit? My kitty outfit (Halloween costume from 2011)
  7. What is your favorite game? “Skongebob” Yahtzee
  8. What is your favorite snack? Peanut butter pretzels & wheat thins
  9. What is your favorite animal? Stingrays & sharks
  10. What is your favorite song? “I’m a little teacup” (teapot) & “Red Solo Cup”
  11. What is your favorite book? Skippyjon Jones
  12. Who is your best friend? Samantha (from preschool)
  13. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Raisin Bran Crunch
  14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the sandbox with the dump trucks
  15. What is your favorite drink? Lemonade & punch
  16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas (as prompted by Nolan 🙂 )
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Quilt and Blueberry (his blue bear from Uncle Tony)
  18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cold cereal without any milk
  19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Cake & ice cream
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Be a firefighter
