Little Miss has her golden birthday!

Dear Little #3,

It’s hard to believe how fast two years has gone!  You have grown so much in the past year.  We love to watch you try new things, say new words, and follow your brothers around.  You always want to do what they’re doing.  However, you  definitely have shown us you are a girl.  You have opinions on what clothes you want to wear, love to play with your dolls (feed them, change them, carry them around,) and you love to play with my hair.  One of my current favorite phrases of yours is, “I like your hair.”  (It sounds more like, “I yike yours hair.”)  You say this with your thumb in your mouth as you grab on to my ponytail.  It’s very sweet.

Your birthday was celebrated three times this year.  Daddy was out of town on your actual birthday, so we texted him photos of you eating the yummy German chocolate cake that Nana brought over for us to eat.  Once he got back into town, we had a party for you (at the rental house we’re living in for a few months) and celebrated with Nana & Papa, Grandma & Grandpa, Great Grandma Lois & Papa Dale, Aunt Kari, Aunt Larissa, Uncle Jason & Bri, and Michelle & Angelo.  You had fun opening your presents (so did your brothers) and we topped the evening off with cake & ice cream.  A week later, Uncle Tony & Kristin came over for dinner and we got to celebrate again 🙂  This time, we dined on cupcakes!

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You are going to make a great big sister! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you in the coming year!



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