The Easter Bunny

We’ve had the Easter Bunny living in our attic for several years.  The boys have seen him a couple of times, but I always forget to bring him out on Easter.  While purging a bunch of stuff from the attic this afternoon, I decided to pull ‘ol Mr. EB out from the corner and place him in the rocker in the boys’ room.

Backing up a bit, my in-laws took the kids for the day so Jake and I could get a few things done around the house.  Jake worked in the yard, I went in to the office for a couple of hours and then did some purging of things we don’t use/don’t need any longer.  We took advantage of being kid-free and went to get something to eat.  When we returned, the kids were back, bathed, and reading with Grandma Patti.  Mr. EB was also snugly tucked in on the floor of the boys’ room.

Mr. EB was a gift from Sammy, my adopted grandma.  We grew up living away from our other grandparents.  Sammy over-flowed the grandparent void that Tony and I had with love, attention, & simple everyday experiences that left a life-long impression on both of us.  Knowing I can share some of her with my own kids makes my heart smile.  I’m sure she’s smiling down on all of us from Heaven, too.

Easter 2012

We roused the crew at a very unusual time this morning.  We had breakfast and were out the door in time to start greeting people at 7am for Easter morning mass.  The kids did a great job saying “Happy Easter” and handing out mass leaflets.  I was really impressed with the way Nolan took ownership of  his “job.”  And Lincoln was a super “leaflet restocker” for us.

After mass, we went home and treated the kids to orange rolls for breakfast.  After a failed attempt at getting Ingrid to nap earlier than usual, we headed to my parents’ house for an early Easter dinner.  We dined on ham, scalloped potatoes, sweet potato casserole (a favorite of mine), cranberry relish & cabbage slaw (also a fave and recipe of my Great Aunt Frances’.)

Later in the afternoon, Tony & Kristin joined us and were so sweet to our kids, as usual. They have such a knack for entertaining them.  They “decorated” the sun room and dining room, which seems to have become somewhat of a tradition when they’re together at my parents’ house.  The kids also smothered icing all over enhanced and then ate the rice krispy bunny that Tony made them.  Kristin put together the cutest Easter gift bag for them, complete with stickers, fruit strips, and grow your own grass & flower kits.

Thank you Lord, for giving us the opportunity again this year to be together as a family and celebrate the ultimate sacrifice Christ made on the cross.  He is risen!  Happy Easter!

Coloring eggs

We dyed eggs with Nolan & Lincoln for the first time tonight.  I know, I know, why haven’t we done it before?!?  To be honest, they’ve never really asked about it and I just didn’t encourage it.  Dropping eggs into a staining liquid just sounds like a dangerous activity for two busy boys, but we decided to finally give it a try.  Now that we’ve got one year under our belts, I’m sure they will remind me we need to do it again next year.

You may notice the man with the beard in the upper right photo.  Jake gave up shaving for Lent.  What you’re looking at is 40 days of growth.  I’m happy to report that shortly after the photo was taken, he was once again clean shaven 🙂

Jeepin’ around

You know it’s spring when the kids ask if they can get the jeep out of the shed.  It didn’t matter that the battery wasn’t charged.  Nolan pushed, Lincoln steered, and Ingrid navigated.

Piggy Road

There’s a road that I sometimes take when bringing the kids to preschool in the afternoon.  It winds back and forth along the perimeter of a lake.  And for some reason the boys named it the “piggy road.”  Guess it must look like a pig’s tail to them!

Lincoln’s 4th birthday!

Dear Lincoln,

I am sure we say this every year now, but I cannot believe you are 4 years old!  It seems like such a short time ago that your daddy and I were preparing for your arrival.  Your entrance into this world is one that will always be extra-special because of the fact that you were born on Easter Sunday.  So in a way, your birthday gets remembered twice each year.  Once on your “real” birthday and again on Easter, because it was such a special day for us.

You have grown more this year than ever.  Gone are the toddler features you had when you were three.  You are a full-fledged preschooler!  (Complete with a shorter haircut than you had last year 🙂 )  You love to ask questions and discover the meanings of new words.  Your handwriting is impressive as is your ability to remember what you learn at school.  I am so thankful for the Godly instruction you have twice a week.  You’ve even taught me a few things!

Some of your favorite things include riding your scooter, playing in the pool at the gym, casting with your fishing pole, playing in the sandbox, and constructing forts & buildings with your brother.  You also love your little sister so much!

We celebrated your birthday by taking you to the science museum to see the “real pirates” exhibit.  Your favorite part was the movie in the beginning, but you also liked raising the flag, looking through the periscope, and the treasure chest of pirate booty.  After the museum, we went out for pizza and then went home to get ready for your party.

Family & friends came at 6:30 and the weather was so unseasonably warm that we had everyone gather outside in the driveway.  That was a first!  I’m guessing there won’t be too many years where you’ll be celebrating your birthday outside without a jacket.  You requested a “volcano cake” so I attempted to come through for you.  I made two angel food cakes, placed them on top of each other and dumped two cans of cherries on top of them.  You loved it, which is all that counts!  (It actually got rave reviews from everyone else too, and there was only one piece to spare at the end of the night.

As if cake & ice cream aren’t enough on a 4th birthday, you asked your dad if we could also have s’mores.  So your awesome daddy brought the fire pit up to the front, started the fire, went to get s’mores ingredients and we had round two of sugary treats.  I have to say, you were in rare form when we finally put you to bed.

You are a sweet, smart, spunky boy, Lincoln.  We love you so much!  And we’re looking forward to watching you learn and grow in the coming year.


Mommy & Daddy


I found this list of questions on another mom’s blog and thought I would start a new tradition of asking you and your siblings to answer them every year around your birthday, just for fun.

  1. What is your favorite color? Purple, green & pink
  2. What is your favorite toy? Buzz Lightyear that spreads his wings out
  3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon & pineapple
  4. What is your favorite TV show? “Shaun the Sheep” and “Brer Rabbit” on kids Netflix
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Mac-n-cheese
  6. What is your favorite outfit? My kitty outfit (Halloween costume from 2011)
  7. What is your favorite game? “Skongebob” Yahtzee
  8. What is your favorite snack? Peanut butter pretzels & wheat thins
  9. What is your favorite animal? Stingrays & sharks
  10. What is your favorite song? “I’m a little teacup” (teapot) & “Red Solo Cup”
  11. What is your favorite book? Skippyjon Jones
  12. Who is your best friend? Samantha (from preschool)
  13. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Raisin Bran Crunch
  14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the sandbox with the dump trucks
  15. What is your favorite drink? Lemonade & punch
  16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas (as prompted by Nolan 🙂 )
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Quilt and Blueberry (his blue bear from Uncle Tony)
  18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cold cereal without any milk
  19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Cake & ice cream
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Be a firefighter


Pirates and a party

Visiting the Real Pirates exhibit at the Science Museum

Celebrating (outside) with a volcano cake, family & friends

New boots

Little Miss got a new pair of rain boots and is SO proud of them.  She walks around pointing at them and making noise until you acknowledge her snazzy footwear.

Chicks, swans & Grandma Patti’s birthday

We went to Grandma Patti & Grandpa Dave’s house tonight to celebrate Grandma’s birthday (a day early.) I took the kids down after Ingrid got up from her nap, so we arrived a little before dinner time.  We took advantage of the great weather and went for a walk. Neighbors up the road just received 60 new baby chicks, so we brought the kids over to see the fluffy peepers.  From there, we walked up the hill to another neighbor’s pond to see the swans.  The male was not pleased with the proximity at which we were looking at him and his mate.  The way he flared his feathers made for a visually interesting show.

After we had dinner and birthday grasshopper pie (Grandma Patti’s favorite) we went back outside for some fun in the driveway & yard.  The three amigos all had to have their turn trying to climb the basketball pole.  They all needed a little boost from Uncle Jason & Daddy.