
Today was a big day in the Sheck house.  Nolan embarked on a new adventure…kindergarten!  We’re so proud of you, buddy!  You’re going to have a great year!


  1. Uncle David

    The poor kid is going to be going to school for a long time–you make him start in the middle of summer!
    He sure looks excited. All kinds of new friends and new fun stuff…

    Good Luck with the house

  2. Ann Hudak

    Ronnie, he is such a sweet cutie! Did he like it? How did u make that collage? I’ll pray for u, here on the east coast, there’s a custom of putting a st Joseph statue upside down in your front yard! Never tried it myself. Only heard bout it way after we sold our last house miss u guys! Good luck. And God bless u all!

  3. Barb DuPont

    Thanks for sharing your news and the photos of Nolen’s first
    day of kindergarden. That is so exciting for him. He looks
    happy to be going to school. Good luck in selling your house.
    I have heard the same thing about buring St. Joseph in your
    front yard. I also have heard that it works. You guys are in
    my prayers always. God bless all of you. Miss you!

  4. thomas

    Dear Nolan, I am very happy that your starting school this year. you are going to have to let me know how you are doing. Please let you folks know that I will be in the cities with a frien for the holiday…..Love uncle Thomas

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