Look back and laugh

I think God gives moms a few extra special gifts when it comes to being able to handle disgusting situations with poise, skill & composure.  I know I don’t embody all of those gifts in every situation where they could be used, but I am proud to say I did keep my composure and used a little skill with a tad bit of poise this afternoon.

When I got Shecklet #2 out of his highchair after lunch, I noticed he needed his diaper changed.  I thought I had a few minutes to clear the table and then change him.  WRONG.  Next thing I know, he’s sitting in the hallway whining because he has somehow managed to dislodge the contents of his diaper and make a total mess of the floor and himself.

Forgive me if this is a tad too gross for those of you who are checking in with me, but I am actually sitting here chuckling about it as I replay the conversation I had with myself this afternoon….

“Should I pick him up? Of course I should.  But wait, I can’t just walk off with him…the dogs need to go somewhere. I have to get him upstairs for a bath!  Where is Shecklet #1?  Oh, there he is.  Ok, Shecklet #1 needs to come with me, but manage to walk around the mess.  That’s right Shecklet #1, don’t step there, step here.  Good job!  Mav, Coop – upstairs, now!  Alright, dogs are in our room, where’s the baby gate?  What in the world is that?  Great, something else to clean up.  Ok, Shecklet #2 needs to get scrubbed down.  Shecklet #1, stay where I can see you.  Towel.  Washcloth.  Johnson’s Baby Wash.  Phew!  I think we’re going to be ok now.”

And we were.  Ok, I mean.  We all needed a nap after all that excitement though.  Good thing it was dark and rainy today – I didn’t feel bad snuggling back under the covers and dozing while the boys took their naps.

One final tidbit for today.  This actually happened last night while I was blogging.  Here is what my dogs think of “Where The Wild Things Are.”  Can you believe these two can do this?

This is the 2nd book Mav & Coop have sunk their teeth in to.  Number 1 was a library book.  Not good.  I’m beginning to think they have a preference for pricier books.  They have yet to chew apart the cheapo books from garage sales or the thrift store.  Who knew they could tell the difference?


  1. Jacob

    I bought that book special for the boys. Dumb dogs.

  2. Jess

    Ok, that’s hilarious. And I totally agree with you on the dogs with expensive books thing…Thor did the same thing once to a library book. *sigh*

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