A message from the boys

Make sure you click on the pictures to see them “full size.”

The newest Sheck is set to arrive at the end of September!


  1. brooke

    can’t wait!:)! congrats to all!!

    play soon?

  2. Karen Heuiser

    Congrats!! LOVE the T-shirts! So exciting!!!

  3. nicole

    I knew it! As soon as I saw the email I guessed. Congrats!!! Will you find out?

  4. veronica

    No, we’re going to wait until he or she arrives. But I have a feeling this one may be a girl. We’ll see in 4 months!

  5. Lynn Freimuth

    CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! We are thrilled to hear a new baby is on the way — and looks like the boys are, too!!!
    Hope you are feeling well. Greet your family.
    Aunt Lynn

  6. Bridget

    Congratulations! The boys are adorable. We still need to get together sometime. My pool is open if you would like to bring them by to swim.

    Take care.

  7. Becky Rutledge

    Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you! I miss you tons! Your boys are so adorable!

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