Jake’s birthday

Today is Jake’s birthday.

10 years ago, we celebrated by going out for pie after I returned from a trip to Arkansas to visit grandparents.  That pie date was the start of our now decade-long relationship.  I think we both can agree that it’s been quite a ride – full of all kinds of ups and downs, but we’ve faced them together.  There’s no one I’d rather navigate through life with than him.  He is my best friend, my constant support, and the love of my life.


  1. Dayna Francis

    Roni, these pictures are so great. It is really fun to have a small window into your family. Congrats on a beautiful relationship, you both look so happy in all the pictures. I think my fav is the sumo / bathrobe one 🙂

    All the best from our family to yours,


  2. brooke

    Happy Bday Jake!!! Have some cake for me 🙂 J/K … DON’T because I just got done making FOUR different cheesecakes for Brandon’s birthday… YIKES!

    Did I know that Jake and Brandon shared a birthday?!? Weird!

  3. Angela :-)

    Happy Birthday, Jake! I can’t believe you have that many pictures of the two of you together! That’s one thing we don’t have many of.

    Hope things are going well.

    Angela 🙂

  4. Libby

    LOVE the pics! Happy birthday, Jake!

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