HBD Shecklet #1 – take 3

After our Memorial Day dinner, we celebrated Shecklet #1’s birthday with Nana and Papa. His rollerblade safety gear package is now complete! Tony and Kristin and kids also gave him a circuit kit and Mad Libs – perfect for car trips!

Shecklet #2 also got to open his gift from Tony and Kristin – which he was very excited about!

The kids’ youngest cousin slept through all of the excitement 😴 

One egg, two yolks, take two

I was making deviled eggs for part of our Memorial Day dinner at my parents house and found another double yolked egg. Different dozen than the last one, but same farm. 

Crafty afternoon

For a short time this afternoon, the Shecklets were busy looking at tutorials and then making three different woven crafts and playing with the sands alive tub. Love to watch their creative juices at work.