
Alone for my ultrasound thanks to COVID-19.

Two words no expectant mom wants to hear. No heartbeat. The visual on the screen confirms it is true.

We are heartbroken.

Appointment with OB tomorrow to determine next steps. The doctor I saw at my ultrasound today wants me to deliver within this week due to the increased risk to my health if I continue to carry the baby. I’m measuring 5 weeks ahead of where I should be. There is so. much. fluid.

Telling the kids was one of the hardest (if not the hardest) thing I have had to do. This baby was so wanted, so loved.

I cannot believe this is our reality and don’t understand why.

4/28/20 – “Non clinical” ultrasound

We booked an appointment at Before Birth 4D Imaging to see if we could get a few updated (better) pictures of baby and determine gender. Once again, Baby Sheck made us fully aware of who is in charge. Not only were we not able to find out boy vs. girl, but baby’s face didn’t have enough amniotic fluid in front of it to get a decent 4D image. (The ultrasound tech told us that baby’s face was facing outward, up near the left side of my rib cage, and right up against the uterine wall. Not exactly the most comfortable place for mama, but baby seems content there.)

We continue to feel like this child is a girl and have been discussing names along those lines. If it turns out we’re incorrect, we’re going to have to scramble to come up with a fitting boy name.

It was nice to go to an appointment where Jake could accompany me. I’m especially glad he was able to see the baby move, swallow, stick out it’s tongue (it’s totally a Sheck kid) and see the little heart beating away.

As a gift, the owner/ultrasound tech recorded our baby’s heartbeat and placed the recording device inside a teddy bear. We can hear 16 seconds of Shecklet #5’s little heart beating strong and consistent. This baby is a fighter!