Science Fair 2015

We survived our first science fair!

Maybe I should rephrase that. We survived our first science fair where one of our kids was responsible for completing a project on their own and not part of a class.  During kindergarten and 1st grade, students complete a project as a class. They have the option of doing a project on their own, but we never went that route. Once they hit 2nd grade, they’re all on their own (or with 1 other friend, if they choose.) Knowing schedules are hectic, we didn’t even propose that option to Shecklet #1. That enabled us to do things at our own pace, which was a good way to ease into the world of elementary school science fair projects.

Shecklet #2’s class project involved discovering what happens to gummy bears when they are submerged in different liquids. He thought it was pretty cool that vinegar disintegrated the gummy bear.


Shecklet #1’s research question was “Which materials are the best conductors?” He did research that involved talking to Papa and looking up definitions in the dictionary. He worked with Jake to set up his experiment and typed up the information for the poster board he designed. He learned a lot, including that sometimes research leads to more questions, not just answers.



Science guys



Science Fair at school today. The boys completed projects with their respective classes and presented their results. Little #1 will complete his own project next year, so we made sure to check out the older kids’ poster boards.

Little #2 built a clay boat and counted the number of pennies it held before it sank. Little #1 made hypotheses about what would happen to gummy bears placed in four different liquids – water, coffee, vinegar and OJ.