Terrain trail at Gma and Gpa’s

Ever since returning from his trip to NV, Shecklet #2 has been anxious to design and build a bike trail with jumps at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. He and his dad started some of the process at home.

Then they headed south to bring some of his vision to reality. Jake’s parents’ neighbor, who has excavating equipment, made short work of building the dirt jumps – saving Shecklet #2 many, many hours of work.

After helping, neighbor J enjoyed watching the Shecklets alongside Grandma and Grandpa 😊

And yes, that’s Shecklet #4 taking quite the fall, but she’s a tough kid and shook it off!

MN rollercoaster

Cold and rainy last week. Swimming in the neighbor’s pool tonight. MN weather = a roller coaster 🎢


This morning we were able to see the grass in parts of our yard. This afternoon, we finally have snow covering it again. After school, the kids set foot inside the house just long enough to put on their snow gear and headed outside. Their friends joined them too, when they got off the bus from school. The temps are perfect today. I am sure they will play until dark!
