Grouchy Zero 😠

One of the “tricks” to learning how to borrow when subtracting is remembering the “Grouchy Zero.” Shecklet #4’s teacher had her students draw a picture to help them with this new skill.

Surprise Bitmoji Day

Once a week (on Wednesdays) the Shecklets have an independent learning day. Today is a “surprise” one for Shecklet #4, due to a substitute teacher shortage. Her teacher does an awesome job of setting the kids up to be successful and independent. I’ve seen #4 grow in in these areas in huge ways since the beginning of the school year.

This morning, she is working on a spooky house math assignment 🦇🌔⭐️🎃👻🏠

Math in the head

Shecklet #2 came home with a math worksheet today (3-digit addition problems) that had the following teacher comment on it: “Please show your work.”  His response to me (as I was reading the comment to myself) was, “I didn’t now we had to show our work, I just did the problem in my head.”  Love his confidence and ability to compute things in his little mind like that!