Zoo field trip

We continue to return to “normal” after two years of abnormal. I was able to chaperone a school field trip to the zoo with Shecklet #4’s class. The group of girls I followed around had a mix of “run and see everything” and “read every single sign at every exhibit” kids. I didn’t have a problem getting my steps in today.

Crafty Saturday

It’s freezing here in MN. I know that’s not surprising. However, when the high temps are in the single digits and the “feels like” temps are below zero, there’s not much that you can safely do outside. (Jake and Shecklet #4 went skiing last night for a couple of hours before the temps really dropped and it was 🥶.)

I told the kids today was going to be a “screen break day,” so not to ask me or their dad to watch movies or play video games. They asked if we could invite one of their aunts over, and I told them they could see if she was free. She was. And she brought over some of her her craft supplies.

The kids made perler bead creations and did a few projects with the Cricut, including a super cute birthday banner for Shecklet #4’s upcoming birthday. I sorted a new batch of perler beads throughout the afternoon/evening while the crafters worked. At the end of the night, we finished sorting the whole bucket of 8,500 beads!

Here’s what was made today.

Swurfer Sunday

This kid got a swurfer swing for Christmas and her dad made it possible for her to use is in the heated garage during the winter.

I even gave it a try. Shecklet #4 made sure I had a helmet on for safety!

Who needs toys when you have…

club size packages of diapers and wipes.

A recent trip to Sam’s Club replenished our stash of size 3’s and wet wipes.  I threw the packages on top of the clean laundry I was already hauling upstairs and let the boys help me unload everything in their room.  They had so much fun playing, building, crashing in to, and moving the compact & semi-cushy “blocks.”  When we finished putting away their clean clothes, we switched rooms and the diapers & wipes came along with us.  Here are a couple of shots of the boys building and destroying a “road.”  I love how Shecklet #1’s creative juices are flowing so much lately and how Shecklet #2 mimics his brother’s every move.