
While Jake was on the road, I decided to repaint the basement bedroom (that I have also wanted to repaint for years!) Finally made it a priority this weekend. I also had a helper 😊

Before and after:

Basement painting marathon

I have wanted to repaint the basement bathroom for years. I finally picked a paint color, started the project AND finished it!

Before and after:

The basement walls also needed a fresh coat of paint. I patched holes (a long time ago 😳) and never went back to repaint. I am embarrassed to even say how long my walls have looked polka dotted. But no more! The room feels amazing now!



The paint color looks different due to the way the light hits the walls, but it is the same color throughout.

First “real” ride of 2021 🚴‍♂️

Jake took the kids on their first mountain bike ride today. His parents met him at Carver Lake trails. Afterwards, they went to his parents’ house for a bit. I stayed home due to a lingering migraine 😖. I didn’t think the sun and bouncing would be good for my head today. Instead, I finished up the second process of the tie dyed shirts, cleaned the garage, touched up the mailbox paint, and pulled weeds. We ended the evening swimming with friends (well the kids swam, the adults supervised.) It was a great end to a full weekend.

How do I fix this?

I noticed the curtain rod in the Barbie room was sagging a bit.  Upon closer review, one of the brackets was pulled out from the wall and hanging by the screw tips.

We were later told by the child responsible, that they were trying to shut the shades and in doing so, pulled out the bracket.  It must have been quite a pull!


I know my house is in rough shape when my dad comes over to watch two of my kids for a short time and when I come back, he has a “things to do” list for me to get it back in order.


Sometimes I just need a little nudge…

Goodbye trees

The weekend we were up north, a strong storm blew through the area.  We had one tree casualty in the backyard that caught in another tree and also lost a couple of significantly sized branches off another.  (The largest branch apparently fell on the shed and swing set.  Our wonderful neighbors took it down and cut it up before we arrived back home.)  Because of the size of the trees in our backyard, we had to hire someone to come and remove the broken one.  And since they were already going to be in the backyard (and there would be a mess of some sort anyway) we had an arborist look at the other trees to see if any others needed to also be removed.   All total, we had 5 trees taken down.  Watching the crew of 3 guys work was crazy!  The boys and I camped out in the front yard and watched them work – they loved to see what was going on.  One by one, the 5 trees were no more.  They finished things off with a stump grinder and then cleaned up the majority of the mess.  By the end of the day (they worked 12 hours) we had a totally different backyard.  The amount of light that the 5 trees kept out of the yard was pretty significant.  It’s going to take a little while to get used to the new and improved sunny backyard we now have.