Come Holy Spirit!

Shecklet #2 received the sacrament of Confirmation this morning at the Cathedral of St. Paul. It was a cool, rainy day but beautiful Iโ€™m spite of the weather.

I am so proud of this kid and how he has taken this next step in his faith. His sponsor, a young man from the parish who he has connected with over the years thanks to frisbee and his overall involvement with teens at church, has been a positive role model for #2 in many ways.

Grandma Patti and Grandpa Dave joined us along with Michelle (#2โ€™s godmother). We celebrated after mass by gathering at the Rusty Taco.

Friends ๐Ÿ’—

We got to celebrate my godsonโ€™s birthday this afternoon. I didnโ€™t get a picture with him this time, but I DID get one with his mom!

Shecklet #3’s quaranTEN birthday! ๐ŸŽ‚

This girl has made 10 trips around the sun! I cannot believe how fast her first decade has gone. She is an independent, loving, leader who is artistic, kind, and helpful. She gives great hugs and isnโ€™t afraid to show emotion. I love to watch her work hard in school and sports and cannot wait to see what the coming year has in store for her. ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŽƒ ๐Ÿ

We decorated her bedroom door with streamers and made a birthday backdrop for her video calls today. She selected an awesome t-shirt and is all smiles today. Double digits!

For dinner, she requested pancakes, bacon & scrambled eggs. Her godmother/aunt joined us. She waited all day to open her cards and presents.

Birthday cake, was red velvet. The “0” candle on the cake was from the day we brought her home from the hospital. We celebrated her “0th” birthday with the boys as a way of including them in the joy of her birth in 2010.