FXB – 5AM crew

Back in early October, Jake agreed to do a 10-week fitness challenge with a friend of ours at Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping.  In addition to increasing his sit-ups, push-ups and endurance, he has become friends with a fun group of people.


I’m so proud of him for sticking it out through the entire 10-week challenge (even after missing a week due to being sick.) He’s continuing with the program and I can’t wait to see how the coming weeks and months go for him.

Back on the wagon

Nolan went back to preschool today and Lincoln & I went to the gym for the first time this month.  I’m glad I haven’t been out of my exercise routine for TOO long.  I hope it doesn’t take much time to drop the few holiday bad habits I picked up during the last few weeks.

Since it is a new year, I figured it was finally time to say goodbye to the pumpkin that Nolan painted in preschool back in October.  I noticed it was becoming a little soft, so better to move it out of the house than find it in a less desirable state later, right?