Easter 2021

It was wonderful to be back in our church to celebrate Easter Sunday this year.

My MIL had her second knee replaced a week and a half ago, but she and my FIL were willing to let us bring food and gather at her house on Easter Sunday. Two of Jake’s sisters, a BIL, and the kids’ cousin, as well as our family friends, all joined us for the afternoon. The weather was amazing!

The kids hunted for eggs. Aunt Kari made things challenging for the older kids!

Coloring eggs

We dyed eggs with Nolan & Lincoln for the first time tonight.  I know, I know, why haven’t we done it before?!?  To be honest, they’ve never really asked about it and I just didn’t encourage it.  Dropping eggs into a staining liquid just sounds like a dangerous activity for two busy boys, but we decided to finally give it a try.  Now that we’ve got one year under our belts, I’m sure they will remind me we need to do it again next year.

You may notice the man with the beard in the upper right photo.  Jake gave up shaving for Lent.  What you’re looking at is 40 days of growth.  I’m happy to report that shortly after the photo was taken, he was once again clean shaven 🙂