Hedgehogs πŸ¦” πŸ¦”πŸ¦”

The current pet obsession for Shecklet #4 is a hedgehog. It has been her response to every question about favorite animals or desired pet so far this school year. (She has actually liked them for longer than that.)

Tonight we were outside drawing with chalk and she found the hedgehog instructions in the animal drawing book that Nolan received back in 2011 from Great Grandma Fran, Great Uncle Steve & Great Aunt Deb. I drew the outline and we colored it in together. (I love drawing with chalk. I’m glad my kids still enjoy it so I can join them 😊)

Creativity overflowing

Shecklet #2 created a little bug character (he’s in the upper left corner surrounded by black) a little year ago or so and has been drawing him ever since. He took his four page scene and expanded it over the summer. (He took this picture to show his art teacher.) He even let his siblings contribute a little bit. It’s really impressive up close!

The dogs

“I used to had (have) two dogs. The dogs played with the toys. I love my dogs.”Β  Cooper and Maverick

Shecklet #4