Lost teeth!

Shecklet #2 lost his two front teeth in a matter of days.  The first fell out while on an overnight camping trip with his Aunt Larissa and a couple of cousins.



And the second fell out while eating dinner.  He took a bite of his vegetables and realized that something WASN’T a veggie!  He spit out a tooth!


1st camp out

For Father’s Day this year, Jake asked for a tent.  We picked one out as a family and he and the boys set it up in the backyard for the kids’ first camp out.  We put their sleeping bag cots on each end and Jake slept in between.  The boys got a good night’s sleep – I don’t think Jake really did.  Apparently they were woken up by the crows in the neighbor’s trees at about 5AM, but they were kind enough to let me sleep until about 7, when they came back into the house.