Birthday Party #1 for #4

Little #4 had no problem with her birthday cake. In fact, looking at photos from her siblings’ first birthdays, she was clearly the cleanest after she was done.  The boys were probably at a disadvantage since their frosting was chocolate… 1st birthdays

She took handfuls of cake with such skill and intention, she has clearly been watching her older siblings over the last 12 months.  We had a ton of fun with family and friends who were able to join us for cupcakes and ice cream.

1st bday party 2014

Happy 1st birthday, sweetheart!  We love you!


Little #4 turns 1!

Happy 1st birthday to our Little #4!

My sweet girl, you have brought so much excitement and joy to our house since you arrived a year ago.  Even after witnessing it happen four times now, I cannot believe how much growth and development takes place during the first year.  Your grin of 8 teeth always brings a smile to my face and your now trademark scowl never fails to make me giggle.

#4 scowl smile

Music brings out your grooving side – you bounce up and down if you’re sitting and you shake side-to-side if you’re standing next to something.  You’re not quite interested in walking or running, but that’s ok with me – I’m not ready for you to be doing that quite yet either!  You have become quite skilled at crawling up the stairs though, so we definitely have to keep an eye on you – you’re fast!

#4 bday

Your siblings are both a source of entertainment for you as well as playmates and protectors.  They love you so much and would do anything to help you, keep you safe, and make you smile.  As your mom, I pray that the four of you will always remain close.  The bonds you already have at such a young age are incredibly precious.


Daddy and I love you very much and are extremely grateful that God chose us to be your parents.  May He bless you with many more happy birthdays!



#4 cupcake and present

Shiner #2

When you fall off the “ladder” (aka chair) while attempting to climb into your “tree house,”


sometimes this happens:


I can’t title this

“Sometimes I hold my farts.” As told told me by Little #3 this afternoon.

I really have no response to this. I laughed for several minutes after she enlightened me. What a kid 🙂

Science guys



Science Fair at school today. The boys completed projects with their respective classes and presented their results. Little #1 will complete his own project next year, so we made sure to check out the older kids’ poster boards.

Little #2 built a clay boat and counted the number of pennies it held before it sank. Little #1 made hypotheses about what would happen to gummy bears placed in four different liquids – water, coffee, vinegar and OJ.

Sun and snow


The temps are finally warm enough to (safely) send the kids out to play in the snow. It’s amazing how warm 20℉ feels after weeks of negative windchills. The sun definitely helps, too.

So tired


This is what happens when you get up at 6:45, play all morning with Grandma, and don’t have quiet time.

Little #3 fell asleep trying to get out her fruit snacks this afternoon. And we only went 5 minutes from the house to pick up her brothers.