Lincoln has started putting 3 words together to express what he wants. Our fine-tuned parental ears have been able to make out the following desires (or demands :))
“I wan cu!” (I want cup) and “I wan ba.” (I want ball) are two phrases we hear throughout the day. He will add in a “peez” (please) complete with sign language if we ask him, “What do you say?” It’s pretty cute.
Today’s phrase while driving in the suburban was, “I wan Jee jee!” Which when played through the Lincoln translator, means, “I want Jesus.” Further translation is required to know what the hidden meaning actually is. We have a CD of kids’ praise music in the truck and when Nolan wants to listen to it, he asks for “Jesus music.” Today, I guess it was Lincoln’s turn to ask DJ mom to select CD 4 from the set.