
Jake’s youngest sister is getting married and today was her “family” shower. Jake was at the bachelor weekend for his future BIL, so Grandpa Dave helped me out by watching the boys while the girls came to the shower with me. It was breakfast themed, which was delicious! Only three more weeks til the big day!

West coast traveler

Shecklet #1 is on a week-long trip with his grandparents visiting his uncle and aunt in NV as well as seeing some additional sites in CA and AZ. He’s been taking lots of pictures and enjoying seeing a different part of the country. We’re looking forward to hearing more about his travels when he gets home.

Catapult War

Shecklet #1 spent time with two of his aunts and one of his (almost) uncles this past weekend.  He went to a state park with caves with Kari, Stacie & Nick on Saturday and then spent the night at Kari’s house.  On the way to Kari’s, they stopped at Hobby Lobby and he picked out a catapult kit.  Upon finishing building (and decorating) the catapults at home this afternoon, #1 and #2 decided to create a game – complete with a board, cards, and rules.  I’m amazed (and impressed) by the level of thought and detail they put in to it – without any encouragement or help from anyone else.


We had a fun group of visitors today – Jake’s aunt, uncle, one cousin and her boys came to see us. The kids had a blast playing with their (great) uncle, who even took them to the little park to help them burn off some energy.

After playing at the park, we had pizza, pretzel jello salad, and chocolate vinegar cake. Jake’s aunt knows my faves 😊

Shecklet #2 is 10!

This basketball playing, Lego-loving kid has such a huge heart!  A few weeks ago, he asked if we could go to Feed My Starving Children to pack meals on his birthday.  Ummmmm….yes, of course we can!  We invited family members and his godmother and had a great time!  After packing meals, we came home and had pie – lemon meringue and apple – with ice cream, of course.

A Busy St. Patrick’s Day

Shecklet #3 learned about leprechauns last year in kindergarten. Her teacher’s room was apparently colored green while everyone was out of the room and little footprints led to the bathroom where the toilet water was colored green. This St. Patrick’s Day, #3 decided to set a trap to catch a leprechaun. 🍀 I should have taken a picture of her elaborate trap, but I did capture the letter she wrote.

Shecklet #2 decided he wanted a fedora (after a friend of his wore one to school on Thursday.). We found that one was available at Old Navy, so we stopped to check it out today while running errands. Not only did he find the fedora, but also a skateboarding bulldog shirt to complete the outfit. This kid is so much fun! I hope he always keeps his confident sense of style.

The Shecklets all wanted to look dressed up with ties for Grandma Patti’s birthday celebration this evening.

We gathered at Grandma Lois and Papa Dale’s house to have grasshopper pie for Grandma Patti’s birthday.

Color changing unicorn

Shecklets 3 and 4 received a package while Jake and I were in California and inside were two unicorn mugs. Their Uncle Jason and Aunt Bri thought they’d enjoy the fun surprise that takes place when you add hot liquid to the mug. It’s so much fun being a girl!


Larissa came over earlier in the day and entertained/watched the kids so Jake and I could get some last minute house things in order before his parents come tomorrow. House is clean, laundry is almost caught up, schedules for the next two weeks are ready to go.

After mini-golf we went out for dinner and came home and played Telestrations. Jake read to the boys and I laid in the girls’ room and talked with them before saying goodnight.

I am really going to miss our kids.  Deep breath.  I hope I can sleep tonight.

Xmas in Hastings 2017

Spent the afternoon and evening with this great bunch!

The Shecklets went on a scavenger hunt for their Christmas presents this year.  Numbers 1, 2, & 3 found kayaks and #4 found a scooter!  Summer is going to be a lot of fun this year!

Cousins in the pool & pearls

My aunt and uncle are in town to celebrate Thanksgiving with my cousin and his family. Part of their stay involves having the older two grandkids stay with them at a hotel so they can swim. My aunt invites us to bring the Shecklets down to meet their cousins and swim. The 6 kids had a great time spending close to 3 hours in the pool!

After having pizza for dinner, everyone sang HBD to me and we had cupcakes. Yum! Then my aunt gave me a small gift bag containing a Christmas pin of my Grandma Fran’s and the pearl ring she always wore. The pearls in the ring were given to my grandma by my Grandpa Bill – he got them in Japan during WWII. I am thrilled to have this piece of jewelry to remind me of my grandparents 💗