Ren Fest 2019 and a train ride

Today’s trip to the Renaissance Festival was a first for three of us. We saw knives, royalty, and acrobatics, ate Scotch eggs, beef sticks and cheesecake, two Shecklets tried sword fighting, and the girls had face paint and henna done. We enjoyed spending the day with cousin Jess, who was a gracious guide.

Meanwhile, Shecklet #1 spend the day with Grandpa Dave. He started out at Grandma Lois’ house and had breakfast with her before Grandpa came to pick him up. They went on a train ride across the St. Croix, stopped by a candy shop in Stillwater and then headed back to Grandma Lois’ house to watch the Gophers beat Purdue! He spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, went to mass and then met Jake and Shecklet #2 at Aunt Kari’s new house. Jake worked on her getting her internet working while the boys helped with unpacking and putting things away. I’d say Shecklet #1 had a pretty packed weekend.

πŸ“·: Grandpa Dave

Baby shower

My SIL, (Jake’s youngest sister,) is having her first baby. She is due in September with a little boy. The Shecklets are excited to have a new cousin πŸ’™

I found a photo from the baby shower that Jake’s sisters threw me a little over 13 years ago…amazing how much happens in a little over a decade.

Cousins’ Day 2019 @ Nissedalen

We spent the day at Nissedalen with over 40 family members.Β  The weather was fantastic, the food was tasty, and the memories we made were plentiful.Β  I love that my kids get to experience the gift of having a large extended family.Β  There’s always someone to talk to, play with, or laugh alongside. And to think – this is just a portion of the family!

One thing that I enjoyed watching (this year especially,) was the way that Jake’s younger cousins (who are now all adults) have taken an interest in showing my kids how to do certain things – helping them ski, how to safely use a gun at the shooting range, as well as taking the time to talk with them and ask about their interests.

Here are the rest of the photos from Cousins’ DayΒ and the shooting range the day before.

Jake’s cousin, Jess, let the guys ride up north with her on Friday AM. I followed the next day with the girls.

Shecklet #3’s First Communion

The cold and rain couldn’t take the joy out of today – Shecklet #3’s First Communion day!

Her godfather drove up from St. Louis to concelebrate her First Communion mass and presented her and her classmates with the Precious Blood. It was a gift to have him with us to celebrate this special day!

It’s been a long time since we had both godparents with us at the same time.

After mass, we returned to our house for brunch, cake and ice cream. My friends and mother-in-law were a big help in the kitchen, which was greatly appreciated πŸ’—

We hated to see him go, but his trip to MN was a quick one. He wasn’t even in MN for 24 hours!Β  We made sure to capture our usual two photo poses – regular and crazy!

The last photo we have of us was right before I was wheeled back for surgery. I’m happy to have a new one of the three of us together.

The first communicant received some very special cards and gifts today, including a book, her own Bible, and her great grandma Sheck’s rosary – she used it during her bedtime prayers tonight. ❀️

God bless you, sweet girl!Β  Jesus loves you and so do we!

Impromptu bowling 🎳

Jake’s brother and sister-in-law are in town for Easter and we were able to schedule a little time with them this evening at Bowlero. The kids played a few games in the arcade afterwards.

Guess I only captured Shecklet #3, but trust me, the others played as well.

Before heading out, we captured the latest aunt & uncle group shot with the Shecklets.


My kids have some pretty awesome aunts. They engage in conversations with them, play games, attend birthdays and sacraments and do a fantastic job at letting all four of kids know that they are special to them.

One aunt started a tradition of having the kids over for a sleepover as their birthday present. I joked with her today that if she ever ends the tradition, she’s going to have some very disappointed nieces and nephews!

Shecklet #2 spent the night last night (for his 11th bday present) and came home with a collection of perler bead creations. Pretty cool ones, in my opinion!

Another trip around the sun

I got to celebrate my birthday with this great group of family and friends. Michelle and Angelo hosted us for dinner and an amazingly delicious pumpkin layered cake.

Gift opening (on the 24th) was full of fun surprises from Jake, the kids, my in-laws, and my aunt Deb, who made a cathedral pane lap quilt using pieces that my Grandma Fran had intended to use for quilting, but was unable to due to her failing eyesight.

Paddle boarding & Nissedalen @ 50 years

βœ… Paddle boarding!!

We spent the day celebrating 50 years at Nissedalen today.  The weather was absolutely perfect and the lake water was warm enough for me to enjoy being in it.  If you know me at all, that’s a pretty big deal!  With summer (sort of) winding down, today was a great day to attempt the next major item on my recovery checklist – paddle boarding.  Jake rented a couple of boards from a local shop and his cousins let us use their trucks to transport them to the lake.  When the little kids weren’t using them, a few of the adults gave them a try.  I was thrilled to not only get up without falling off the board, but keep my balance while paddling down the shoreline and back! Hooray for another recovery item checked off!

Group shot – 4 generations!

Grandma Lois & Papa Dale with many of their grandkids (and spouses) and great-grandkids!

One note about the coloring of the pictures.  The smoke in the air from the fires out west was intense.  These have been tweaked a bit just to tone down the yellow tones a bit – and they still look hazy!

Shecklet #2 also got up on skis today! Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of him, but he wants to go again, so I’ll try to capture one next time.

The rest of the day’s photos can be found here:

Stacie and Nick get hitched!

My SIL got married today!

I didn’t take many pictures – just enjoyed the evening.

The picture of Jake above was taken by his aunt πŸ™‚ I love his zest for life!

ETA: We didn’t get a picture of just the two of us looking spiffy last night, so we took a “day after the wedding” photo instead. We did get a couple of family pictures that I’m hoping turned out well. Fingers crossed!

ETA 12/21/18 – Here’s a family photo from the day.  Don’t we clean up well??