Snow with gingerbread – media overload

The temps rose into the mid 20’s today, so we took advantage of the balmy weather and sun and headed out back to do a little shoveling & playing.  The snow was perfect – light & fluffy and easy for the kids to maneuver through with their snow gear & boots on.  Nolan helped me clear off the patio and Lincoln assisted with brushing off the wood bins on the deck.  They were both my little helpers this afternoon.  Nolan asked me to get thee sled out of the shed and he was nice enough to pull his little brother around the yard.  It was pretty funny to watch!  There were several times I thought Lincoln was going to tumble out, but he hung on!  Once Nolan was tired from pulling, I had Nolan jump in the sled and I took them around the yard.  We drove Maverick nuts as we made a figure eight path.

I bribed the kids this afternoon.  I told them we could finish decorating the gingerbread house we assembled this morning IF they took naps.  For Nolan, he not only had to take a nap, but not get out of bed (at all.)  It worked!  Both of them crashed for a good chunk of the afternoon, which really isn’t surprising since we spent about 45 minutes or so out in the cold right before they went to sleep.  I loaded the gingerbread with frosting and let the kids add the candies.  Lincoln actually ate more than he added to the house – at least the gumdrops he was eating were miniature 🙂  Nolan really got into the project.  It was a good way for him to have fun while practicing his counting.

OTW – crafts, cookies & party shirts

Friday afternoon after nap time, I pulled out the “magical box of craft supplies” and let the boys use their imaginations. They each selected a piece of construction paper and loaded it with stickers & popsicle sticks and then punched out stars. We also pulled out the glitter and made a few ornaments for the tree. I love that part of my job as a mom means I get to play with fun craft stuff alongside my kids.

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We were invited to a Christmas party on Saturday afternoon. Nolan and Lincoln helped me bake cookies to bring along. We made my Grandma Fran’s Gumdrop Cookies. (They’re my dad’s favorite, so I made sure we had extras to send my parents’ way.) I loaded the cookie sheets with dough balls and let the boys add the gumdrops. It was the perfect activity for them – just about as much fun as eating the final product.

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Today as the kids were getting ready for the day, Nolan told me he wanted to wear his party shirt to school. I figured it would be good practice for the birthday celebration we’re having for a friends of ours on Saturday. Once Nolan had his shirt on, Lincoln made it very apparent that he, too, wanted to wear his party shirt. Here are the partiers playing in their hut after dinner.

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Advent countdown

We made an Advent chain with the boys tonight.  I cut strips of purple and pink construction paper and had the kids help staple the ends together to create a chain.  Then they decorated the paper rings with stickers.  I don’t know if they totally understand the concept of counting down to Christmas, but I know they enjoyed creating the chain itself.  They also really had fun running back and forth under the rings after Jake hung the chain from the ceiling in the porch.