5/21/20 – Funeral Mass & Burial

Today we buried our daughter. Her place of rest is near the babies of several of our good friends. When Jake suggested we choose St. John’s Cemetery for Astrid, I immediately said yes. I can’t think of anywhere else I would want her to be than near the other little saints we know.

Her funeral mass was beautiful. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the six of us were only allowed to be present for her funeral. (We had hoped the mass could be recorded so we could share it with a few people, but it turns out the recording didn’t work. I was extremely disappointed.) While it was sad to not have others who are also grieving our little girl’s death there to celebrate her short life with us, it was ok. I didn’t feel anxious about needing to comfort others or relive the events of the last week over and over.

Astrid’s brothers and biggest sister read the readings and intentions during mass. They did a great job honoring their little sister. Fr. Jim gave a lovely homily and even incorporated the heart sign that I put over my belly on Mother’s Day.

Jacob carried her casket (made by Trappist Monks in Iowa) out of the church and then from the hearse to the grave site. We are so grateful for the beautiful ministry of the monks who made her casket (and our parish for having it available for us.)

At the grave site, Fr. Jim prayed with us (and a few friends and family who were able to join us.) I’m grateful for the love and support we felt in the cemetery. Five of the six of us took a turn shoveling dirt on top of the vault and then each of Astrid’s siblings placed a pink rose on top. I really hope that being part of her burial is an act of love that they will always be able to look back on.

Shecklet #1 is 14! 🎂

How can our oldest Shecklet be 14?!? Time seriously needs to slow down for a while. This kid is the kindest, most creative, and loving teenager I know. He requested burgers for his birthday dinner and a cookie dough ice cream cake – thanks DQ! Grandma & Grandpa and two aunties joined us for a social distance dinner in the driveway.

The Shecklet bandits

My aunt and uncle are making masks for those who need them in their community. (They even appeared in their local newspaper because of their efforts.) When they asked if our family had a set of masks and we said no, they shipped us six of them!

Easter 2020

Mass together at home – joining our parish family virtually.

Brunch – egg bake, fruit smoothies and orange rolls.

Movie afternoon – Aunt Larissa joined us.

Jake grilled for dinner. Steaks and hotdogs because of course, it’s snowing!

HBD #7 to #4! 🥳

Hard to believe this ambulance baby has been making us smile and laugh for 7 years! She brings such joy to our house.  I love her creativity, her confidence, and her love for others.

We enjoyed celebrating twice with her – once the weekend before her birthday (with family and friends) and on her actual birthday.

Cousin visit

No school for these kids because of cold temps means they get to see their cousin and aunt today!

Christmas Eve 2019

Over the hills and through St. Paul, to Grandma Patti and Grandpa Dave’s house we go!

This photo of Jake & Jason sums up the personalities of these two, perfectly.

Cheering section

Shecklet #3 played 4 games of basketball this weekend. Saturday, her great grandma, one of her great aunts and future wife of Jake’s cousins came to watch her play. Then on Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa cheered her on. 🏀

Game day times three plus a birthday

Basketball is in full swing in our house. And the games must go on (even when it’s mom’s birthday!)

Jake is took Shecklet #2 to Duluth for a tournament and we called in reinforcements (my amazing in-laws) to help shuttle the girls. My friend, Michelle came with me and my FIL to Shecklet #4’s game while my MIL and Shecklet #1 went to #3’s game.  Then afterwards, my MIL gave me the amazing gift of time to spend with Michelle going out to lunch – while she and my FIL hung out with the kids.  It was the best birthday gift a mom could receive during this stage of life!

Shecklet #2 had a cheering section of family while in Duluth – Jake’s cousin and her family for one game and my aunt and uncle for another.  It was so nice of them to take time to support Shecklet #2!

BTW- since Jake & #2 had to leave Saturday morning, we celebrated my birthday on Friday night. Chinese take-out and cake.


Back before kids, the cousins on my maternal side of the family had a string of weddings. I think we had four or five consecutive years where there was a wedding. (And there are only seven of us.) At the wedding of my cousin Troy, my aunt Alice loaned me a necklace that was my Great Aunt Frances’s. The next day I returned it to my aunt and mentioned how much I loved the piece.

She later gave it to me to keep and I now wear it often.

I’m not much for selfies (unless I am capturing one with my kids) but I sent this to my aunt today to let her know I think of her and Frances every time I wear it 💗