Puzzles and lollipops

My aunt in SD sent the Shecklets a surprise package with a few fun treats inside. It’s always great getting mail that you’re not expecting! And the puzzle she sent is something Shecklet #3 can easily do with both of her hands 😊

Seeing pink

Our nephew is gaining a co-pilot later in the year and we are SO excited!

The news was shared with us at my MIL’s birthday party dinner tonight. First we saw our nephew’s shirt and then later, he gave Grandma Patti a flower with a little balloon that says “Baby Girl” along with an ultrasound photo on pink paper.

Ambulance baby is 8!

I looked at the clock around 12:35 this afternoon and thought about where I was 8 years ago today. What an entrance Shecklet #4 made into this world. Not many kids can say they were born in an ambulance on one of the coldest days of the year. It’s a day I will never forget.

This year, Shecklet #4 asked if she could have an 80’s themed birthday party. As someone who has fond memories of the mid-to-late 80’s, it didn’t take much to convince me to agree to her idea. The recent below zero temps we had gave us an opportunity to use the extra indoor time to create decorations and party plans.

This is part of the Pac-man photo prop the kids made back on 2/12.

And a few more of the decorations we had, including the birthday banner that Larissa and Shecklet #1 made on 2/6 when we had our day of crafting fun.

The birthday girl could hardly contain herself this morning. She was up at 6am and regularly asked me throughout the day, “How long until my party starts?” She even woke one of her sleeping brothers from his slumber so she could open a few presents from us.

She also received ski gear and is very excited to try it out tomorrow.

Tonight’s party was a ton of fun! The birthday girl had a blast! She could totally pass as a child of the 80’s. She rocked the side ponytail and blue eyeshadow like a pro. Her sister wore the 80’s trends well, too!

We had a few friends and family join us in rad neon, tulle, makeup and scrunchies. The kids had a boom box piñata and played “stick the cassette to the boom box.” Jake grilled burgers and hotdogs (birthday girl’s request,) we held a glow stick dance party in the basement, and enjoyed angel food cake and ice cream for dessert.

I love how everyone who joined us embraced the 80’s theme and helped make Shecklet #4 feel so special today.

Crafty Saturday

It’s freezing here in MN. I know that’s not surprising. However, when the high temps are in the single digits and the “feels like” temps are below zero, there’s not much that you can safely do outside. (Jake and Shecklet #4 went skiing last night for a couple of hours before the temps really dropped and it was 🥶.)

I told the kids today was going to be a “screen break day,” so not to ask me or their dad to watch movies or play video games. They asked if we could invite one of their aunts over, and I told them they could see if she was free. She was. And she brought over some of her her craft supplies.

The kids made perler bead creations and did a few projects with the Cricut, including a super cute birthday banner for Shecklet #4’s upcoming birthday. I sorted a new batch of perler beads throughout the afternoon/evening while the crafters worked. At the end of the night, we finished sorting the whole bucket of 8,500 beads!

Here’s what was made today.

Christmas Night 2020 🎄🌟

We went to Jake’s parents’ house for Christmas dinner. Two of his sisters, one BIL, and our nephew were able to join us there as well. The ham dinner was delicious and afterwards we played a few games before opening presents. It was so much fun to have a toddler in the mix again – they bring such joy to the holiday and are very helpful with tearing wrapping paper.

Shecklet #4 gave out massage certificates at the end of the night. They never expire and can be used an infinite number of times!

Christmas Eve 2020 🎄

It was a snowy, chilly Christmas Eve. We finally received a substantial amount of snow yesterday along with strong winds. Today the whiteout conditions subsided enough for us to have one of Jake’s sisters join us for the second half of the day. We went to 5pm mass and then came back to the house for pizza soup (Grandma Fran’s recipe,) garlic bread, cookies, and a movie – Elf. (The church was almost empty so we took the opportunity to take a few pictures – masked and non-masked.)

Suprise Sundaes 🍨

My Aunt Ann, surprised us with a box full of sundae toppings for Christmas! The kids were SO excited to see all of the options!

We didn’t have any ice cream in the house on Monday, so they had to wait a day to make their sugary creations. I think they would all tell you they were worth the wait.

Ready to ski 🎿

Shecklet #2 finally used a gift card from his birthday (from his aunt and uncle) to buy ski goggles. They arrived today. Now all he needs is snow. It’s December 1 and the ground is bare. 2020 continues to be the year that keeps on giving.

Birthday #10 – take 2! 🥳

We had to postpone Shecklet #3’s birthday party a week. Thankfully, it was a beautiful day and she had a lot of fun with the family and friends who celebrated with her.

Shecklet #3’s quaranTEN birthday! 🎂

This girl has made 10 trips around the sun! I cannot believe how fast her first decade has gone. She is an independent, loving, leader who is artistic, kind, and helpful. She gives great hugs and isn’t afraid to show emotion. I love to watch her work hard in school and sports and cannot wait to see what the coming year has in store for her. 🍁 🎃 🍁

We decorated her bedroom door with streamers and made a birthday backdrop for her video calls today. She selected an awesome t-shirt and is all smiles today. Double digits!

For dinner, she requested pancakes, bacon & scrambled eggs. Her godmother/aunt joined us. She waited all day to open her cards and presents.

Birthday cake, was red velvet. The “0” candle on the cake was from the day we brought her home from the hospital. We celebrated her “0th” birthday with the boys as a way of including them in the joy of her birth in 2010.