Paper mache

Today was a craft day for us.  I found simple instructions on how to make a small paper mache bowl using colored tissue paper, flour & water.  I set the boys up with their bowl molds, cookie sheets, flour water, brushes & tissue paper.  They had a blast sticking the paper onto the mold.  The final products turned out great!

What’s new at the zoo?

The polar bears!  Jake and I took the kids to the Como Zoo to check out the new polar bear exhibit.  It was overcast (and eventually rained on us) but the boys still enjoyed themselves.  The nice thing about the Como Zoo is its size – just big enough to keep the interest of the kids for a couple of hours.  It’s also small enough to them to walk around and not get too tired.  Although from the picture of Nolan in the stroller, you can see he did end up needing a little break.

St. Louis trip 2010

Our family has been privileged to journey with our friend, (now Fr. Joseph) for the last 2 1/2 years of his seminary formation.  He has become part of our family and has impacted our lives in both large and small ways.  He was present for Shecklet #2’s baptism and will hopefully be able to return in the fall to baptize our new baby.  We have shared birthdays, daily life events, losses, and successes.  Our boys have also had the opportunity to witness the joy of the call to the priesthood on a personal level.  He is an amazing young man and we look forward to seeing where God takes him!

We took a trip to St. Louis over Memorial Day weekend to attend Fr. Joseph’s priestly ordination.  Friday evening, my friend Jess and I (who are both preggo) took a short flight to the “Show-Me” state.  Our husbands, friend Michelle, and the boys loaded into the suburban and headed south just a little bit before 7AM.  Their trip was a tad more eventful than ours.  They started the trip out with a delicious breakfast at Michelle’s parents’ house, a visit with Sonic the bunny, and then got back on the road.  A few pit stops, books, movies & kid songs later, they arrived at our hotel in St. Louis right about the time Jess and I did.  All in all, we heard the drive went very well.  Jake and I are both so thankful for Brandon & Michelle’s willingness to travel with our two little guys.  Michelle has traveled with our family before, but it was Brandon’s first time – hopefully we didn’t scare him off!  I have no doubt that the kids did so well because of the care (and entertainment) they received while Jake manned the wheel.

Friday night we spent a little time walking around the area near our hotel, the Drury Inn, next to the St. Louis Arch.  We had a partial view of the monument from our corner room on the 5th floor – it was amazing!  The next time we visit, I hope we have a bit more time to explore the parks & fountains in the downtown area.  Maybe we’ll even get to take in a Cardinal’s game.  As we strolled by Busch Stadium, Shecklet #1 noticed the player banners hanging from the street lights.  He immediately said, “There’s Joe Mauer!”  We had to tell him that they probably weren’t Joe fans in St. Louis 🙂  After grabbing a bite to eat and eventually settling the kids down, we all crashed at about 11pm.

Saturday morning, we were up early to have breakfast at the hotel before heading to the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.  The ordination mass was beautiful!  It is actually somewhat difficult to put into words what being in the congregation felt like.  Being present to witness the transformation of the lives of the 8 newly ordained men was an experience I will never forget.  There is something about the rich tradition and ritual of the Catholic Church that is quite overwhelming at times like these.  (What I need to remember is that each Sunday I have the opportunity to experience that same overwhelming feeling when I attend mass…something for me to work on.)

(Ordination photos compliments of our friend, Rob Jensen.)

After the ordination, we had lunch and went back to the hotel.  We had a few hours between the ordination and the celebration reception, so we all crashed for about 2 hours.  It would have been fun to check out more of the St. Louis area, (like others from our MN group) but I think our time was better spent catching zzzz’s.  The reception for Fr. Joseph was very nice.  Throughout the evening, there were several people who spoke of his character, maturity, devotion to his vocation, and genuine love for the people of God.  We dined on a delicious tenderloin steak meal and enjoyed cupcakes from the Cupcakery.  Yum!  The boys also received steaks.  And thanks to the fact that there were 3 adult men at our table, I’m happy to report that none of their meat went to waste.

Our final day in St. Louis began with breakfast (again) followed by attending Fr. Joseph’s first mass.

(Mass and family photos compliments of our friend, Rob Jensen.)

After the brunch reception after mass, we packed up our hotel room and spent a little time down by the Arch.  (Or, as Shecklet #2 called it, “Big Arch!”)  We strategically planned on letting the boys run around for a while before we strapped them into the suburban for the trek home.  It was a muggy day, so we took advantage of the air conditioned museum/visitor center underneath the arch.  While we were there, I learned something about animals – check out the pictures below.

Jess and I had dinner with our friends, Brad & Libby, before getting dropped off at the airport to fly home.  Our suburban counterparts rolled back into town about 2:30 in the morning.  Apparently Shecklet #2 had a couple of rough hours on the way home, but once home in their own beds, both boys slept soundly.  Over the course of the 2 1/2 days they were gone, Shecklet #1 & Shecklet #2 spent a little over 20 hours in the car and close to 5 hours in the Cathedral Basilica.  They were real troopers!  I think we’ve probably maxed them out as far as road trips go for the summer though.  I think we’ll be staying pretty close to home for a while.


Lincoln took a tumble down a portion of the basement steps and landed with quite a thud.  A nice goose egg developed on his head, which we tried to ice with the “boo boo buddy.”  Little did we know, he was also developing a nice shiner – his first.  Poor kid – his left eye became a tad swollen and then turned a wonderful array of colors.

Water toys galore!

The boys broke out Nolan’s new birthday presents and had a blast playing in the backyard.  He received a beach ball sprinkler from Auntie Kari, water guns from our friends, the A’s, and a huge water squirter & squid diving toys from the F’s.  Jake filled a metal bin full of water, turned on the sprinkler, and let them play till they shivered!  For the record, it wasn’t cold out, but the water was definitely chilly!

The party

We celebrated Nolan’s birthday (with extended family & friends) a week later than his actual birthday.  His request was to have a balloon pit, similar to the one Jake made for New Year’s Eve.  He was happy to oblige, with a minor change in location.  We assembled our indoor play yard fence in the porch and let the balloon blowing begin.  Thanks to the air compressor, Jake, Uncle Tony, Nolan and Lincoln quickly filled the oval shaped pit with over 100 balloons and beach balls.

I took the easy way out this year and purchased a birthday cake from the grocery store.  Nolan picked out WALL-E for the decorative picture.  Hopefully next year I’ll feel up to putting together another homemade creation for his celebration.

The kids who joined in the fun seemed to really enjoy themselves – even the babies took part in the action 🙂  After all, who can resist that many balloons?!?

Birthday week continues

Two packages arrived via the postal service today.  It seems Nolan’s birthday week is still going strong!  We sat out back as he opened them.  Once again, Lincoln was his trusty helper.  Then, we were surprised by a visit from Aunt Larissa.  She came bearing two more presents for the big little guy to open.  What a lucky kid!  We now have both a doctor and a fire fighter in the house should anyone need their services.

Endings and beginnings

Today was Nolan’s last day of preschool.  I can hardly believe his first year of school is now finished.  He has grown and changed so much over the school year.  We are so proud of all that he has learned, tried, and done.  I know the success of this past year is due in large part to the wonderful teachers he had.  He came home with a DVD full of pictures from the year along with a memory book – such a wonderful way to get a snapshot of the year (no pun intended :))

In the evening, Jake decided to have the boys plant our garden.  Once again, we’re giving it a go.  We planted corn, sunflowers, cucumbers, spinach, peppers, tomatoes & pumpkins.  We’ll see what pops up (and what we end up being able to eat!)

“Chaco milk”

One of the boys’ favorite things to drink is chocolate milk, or “chaco milk” as Lincoln calls it.  We were out of the “regular” stuff, so I pulled out two of my Tupperware shaker/mixer containers and added Hershey’s syrup to white milk.  The kids loved making their own chocolate milk.   Having their own personal containers to pour it from was just about as exciting as the milk itself.

Photo please

The boys were by the dining room table and Nolan said to me (while I was in the kitchen,) “Mom, take a picture of us!”  Well who can resist that?  I know I need to take advantage of their willingness to be photographed, because I’m sure when they are teenagers, the opportunities may not be as frequent.  And yes, that’s half of an plastic Easter egg on Nolan’s head.  (The main reason he wanted his picture taken.)