3rd Annual In Nissedalen I Like to Be

The annual cousins’ gathering at Nissedalen was a bit smaller than in years past, but we definitely weren’t missing any food or fun.  The weather was perfect!  We did have a short rain delay, causing us all to head inside the main cabin, but we played the games Kristin organized (minute to win it style) to pass the time.  The boys had a blast, but that probably goes without saying.  Lincoln loved jumping off of the dock and Nolan had fun being pulled on the tube.

Jason’s birthday

We celebrated Uncle Jason’s birthday (a day late) at his house tonight.  Nolan and Lincoln colored “happy birthday” pictures for him and were very excited to also help him eat cake and open his presents.  Generous helpers, aren’t they?


After the tree removal, we were left with two large sections of the yard that were just dirt & ground stumps.  Jake took the boys to the hardware store to get grass seed and look at the bird feeders.  When they returned, the kids helped him prepare the dirt and spread the seed.  They are always so eager to help their dad – I love it!

Play dates

The boys had a couple of days to play with their friend, I.  The three of their little minds never cease to come up with creative ways to use blankets, pillows, and containers.

Here they are in their “hideout” behind the couch:

Here are the “cars” they were riding in:

And then, of course, Lincoln had to empty the bookcase.  Nothing frustrates me more than walking into the toy room and seeing a mess like this.  I would love to know what possesses my 2 year old to take every book off of the shelf and make a monster pile.  Maybe he thinks he can read by osmosis through his feet?

Getting ready for school

Our visit to the big red store today included a trip to the school supply section.  (I’m always looking for deals on Post-it notes since I go through so many of them.)  While we were shopping, we rolled past the backpack aisle.  Nolan eyed up a Toy Story backpack, so Lincoln, likewise, found one too.  Once we were home, the two of them modeled their new bags before promptly finding all sorts of things to load into them.

Yem-nade and trains

There’s a woman we know from our church who lives nearby a set of train tracks.  The train passes through every morning at about the same time.  We can often hear the whistle blow if we have the windows open in our house.  Earlier in the summer, Jake told the kids that he would talk to Ms. B and see if they could come visit and watch the trains and have a glass of lemonade.  Well, it only took telling them this once.  They continue to remind us that this is something we need to do before the summer ends.  What I love the most about this though, is the way Lincoln says the word “lemonade.”  It’s “yem-nade.”  Makes me smile every time I hear him say it!

Boys visit Nissedalen

Kari was in town this weekend (and it was her birthday) so being the wonderful brother he is 🙂 Jake so Jake loaded up the boys and headed north where she was visiting.  I didn’t feel up for the trek, so I opted to stay home and get a little (much needed) rest.  Judging from the pictures Jake took, everyone had a lot of fun.  Stacie and Larissa were also there, so there was no shortage of extra hands if Jake needed help corralling the kiddos.  And of course, no visit to the lake would be complete without some casting practice.  Forget actually fishing for fish, my kids just like to cast and reel the casting weight back in 🙂

Moonsand mess

Nolan received moonsand as a gift from our neighbors a while ago and I pulled it out today for the boys to play with.  Note to self…next time, take the moonsand OUTSIDE to play with.  The kids LOVED the stuff, but man was it a mess to clean up!  I had to shake rugs, vacuum, and wipe down the table multiple times.  Nevertheless, watching the boys have fun was definitely worth the clean-up afterward.

Up North

We visited my extended family this weekend.  It is probably the last time we’ll get up their way until after the baby arrives.  The drive to get there is about my limit as far as the amount of time I can spend in a car at one time, at this point.

We got into town about 2pm and stopped at my Great Auntie Helen’s house (my grandma’s twin sister.)  It was really good to see her.  She hadn’t seen the boys in quite some time, so she was excited to have them visit.  She gave them animal crackers as we were leaving – they were thrilled!

Afterward, we went to my Uncle Ron & Aunt Judy’s house.  The boys were enthralled with the equipment my uncle has in his woodworking shop. They even lended a hand with cleaning up sawdust.  Give them a shovel and they’ll move just about anything for you!  Ron also took them outside in his yard to see his skid loader and they “played pool” in the basement.  It was nice to have them entertained while I chatted with my Aunt Judy and cousin, Jeana.

We went to mass at my Grandma Fran’s church and then went out to dinner with my Uncle Gene, Aunt Ann, and cousin, Amy.  After we ate, we all headed for the hotel pool.  Unfortunately it was freezing cold!  But Jake and Amy were brave enough to take the boys in.  I only set foot in the chilly water when Lincoln decided to slide off the edge into the shallow end without anyone there to catch him!  Talk about my heart skipping a beat!  For him though, it was all fun.  The experience didn’t frighten him in the least.  That kid is going to be put in swimming lessons as soon as we have him potty trained.  He has no fear of water, which is both good and bad.

Sunday morning we woke up and went to Ann & Gene’s house.  My parents arrived shortly before we left – they were part of a group of my Grandma & Great Aunt’s kids who were taking them out (in a limo) to celebrate their 93rd birthday.  (The limo was a surprise to them – I think they enjoyed themselves :))  Nolan wanted to check out the inside of the car, but Lincoln did not.

On our way out of town, we stopped at the Mineview to show the boys the biggest dump trucks they had ever seen.

We then loaded into our car and headed to Duluth for Jake’s cousin’s 30th birthday party.  When arrived at the party, the first thing the boys saw was the giant inflatable cake jumper in the backyard.  It was a definitely highlight of the party for the kids.  We spent a couple of hours at the celebration and then headed for home.  It was a quick trip up and back, but well worth it!

Household helper

Lincoln decided to give me a hand with the vacuuming today.  I don’t know what it is about this machine, but both boys love it.  It’s gotta be the fact that they can move it around and switch out the attachments.  That, and the fact that it has a retractable electrical cord.  It honestly is one of the best “toys” we have in the house.