
The boys frequently ask me to sing to them before they go to bed.  Starting this past summer, they have requested a “lug-a-bye” (spelled phonetically) in which I recap the days events to the tune of “Lullaby, and Good Night.”  I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite parts of the day.  I love that they get so excited to hear me sing to them, despite my ability to always stay on key.  I’ve gotten pretty creative with turning everyday activities into song lyrics, if I do say so myself!

“My girls”

Lincoln, Ingrid & I spent the morning with friends of ours and their kids.  It was a reunion of sorts of the mom’s group bible study I was a part of last year.  When we picked up Nolan after our get-together, he asked Lincoln who he played with at the gathering.  Lincoln replied nonchalantly, “With my girls.”  Too cute!

Making muffins

A couple of preschool moms have been picking up and/or dropping Nolan off from preschool while we get adjusted to things at home.  I am so thankful for their generosity – it has made my life SO much easier these first few days at home alone with the kids.  Today, while Nolan was at school, Lincoln and I made muffins.  After putting them in the oven, he watched them to make sure they baked correctly.

Ingrid was pretty tired again, so she slept through the whole process. 🙂


Ingrid in the cradle

Here’s our cutie pie sleeping in the “Billy Ash” cradle that Papa made as a baby gift before Nolan was born.

All three kids have now been rocked to sleep in this fantastic piece.

Can you tell who is Lincoln and who is Nolan?

Zhu Zhu pets and haunted houses

The boys received big brother presents to open from Nana & Papa’s neighbors.  We are now the proud owners of 2 Zhu Zhu pets.  I had heard of these things, but had never seen them in action.  Who knew hamsters quacked and moo-ed???  The boys love them!

Later in the day, we broke out the construction paper and stickers and made haunted houses based on a picture of one in an I Spy book the boys received (also as a gift for being big brothers.)

Photos from Brooke

My friend, Brooke, came over today and took pictures of the kids.  I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out!  I highly recommend her!

Playing in the leaves

The boys have been asking for a chance to play in the leaves.  Our trees don’t drop leaves that are any good for that, so we asked our neighbor of we could “borrow” theirs.  J was kind enough to rake a pile for the boys to kick, jump and throw around.  They had so much fun!

Sleeping baby & boys in the hammock

Ingrid is definitely her daddy’s girl.  She sticks her tongue out just like her dad, uncle, brothers & grandpa. 🙂

While our little beauty was sleeping, the boys were out back in the hammock.  Today it was being used more like a jungle gym than a place to relax.

Going home

After 2 days in the hospital, we packed up and headed home…as a family of 5.  I really love the sound of that.

I know we’ve got some adjustments in store, but we’ll get through it.  I can’t say enough about the care we received in the hospital.  I’ve had great nurses each time I have delivered a child, my doctor is top-notch, and my husband is the greatest support person I could ask for.  I may have rough pregnancies, but I think God treats me to “easy” deliveries.  And for that, I am extremely thankful.

On our way home, Jake asked the boys if they thought we should get a birthday cake for baby Ingrid.  They said yes, of course.  We stopped at the grocery store and Jake ran in to get a cake.  He picked a pink one and the lady behind the bakery counter wrote Ingrid’s name on it.  We lit a “0” candle at home and let the boys blow it out before digging in.  It was strawberry flavored…yum!

After cake, we took the first (of many, I’m sure) pictures of the 3 kids together.  It’s so sweet to finally see them all together.

Nolan is absolutely thrilled to have Ingrid home.  That, and after I’ve recovered, I can wrestle again.

Paper bags

I’m not sure what my boys’ fascination with paper bags is, but they played with two different sizes today.  First was the grocery sized ones that they had made in to masks at Nana & Papa’s house.

Later in the day they had fun with the environmentally friendly yard waste bags.  They were so big, all you could see was their little feet as they waddled around the driveway.