Color changing unicorn

Shecklets 3 and 4 received a package while Jake and I were in California and inside were two unicorn mugs. Their Uncle Jason and Aunt Bri thought they’d enjoy the fun surprise that takes place when you add hot liquid to the mug. It’s so much fun being a girl!

Xmas in Hastings 2017

Spent the afternoon and evening with this great bunch!

The Shecklets went on a scavenger hunt for their Christmas presents this year.  Numbers 1, 2, & 3 found kayaks and #4 found a scooter!  Summer is going to be a lot of fun this year!

Cousins in the pool & pearls

My aunt and uncle are in town to celebrate Thanksgiving with my cousin and his family. Part of their stay involves having the older two grandkids stay with them at a hotel so they can swim. My aunt invites us to bring the Shecklets down to meet their cousins and swim. The 6 kids had a great time spending close to 3 hours in the pool!

After having pizza for dinner, everyone sang HBD to me and we had cupcakes. Yum! Then my aunt gave me a small gift bag containing a Christmas pin of my Grandma Fran’s and the pearl ring she always wore. The pearls in the ring were given to my grandma by my Grandpa Bill – he got them in Japan during WWII. I am thrilled to have this piece of jewelry to remind me of my grandparents 💗

Sunday in Duluth

We took a day trip to Duluth to visit my Aunt Deb and Uncle Steve. We stopped at their townhouse and got a tour of their new place before heading the Bulldog Pizza for lunch. After filling up, we headed to the aquarium. We also took a walk down the pier – it was a beautiful blue-skied day!

When we returned to Deb and Steve’s house, we were treated to cookies and milk before heading for home. We were also loaded up with pasties and beef burgundy – dinner for the week!

4th bday party for #4

We celebrated Shecklet #4 turning 4 with family and friends, cake and ice cream and temps in the 50s. Unheard of for MN in February. I thought the weather we had for Shecklet #2’s fourth birthday was amazing (when we celebrated outside) but today takes the cake – haha!

Just a few photos from the day.

Little nephew’s baptism day

We gathered to celebrate our nephew’s baptism this evening. He was surrounded by lots of love at the church and didn’t make a peep when the pastor poured the cool water on his head.

I love this picture for two main reasons: one, we’re all looking different directions (at different cameras) and two, because of the sweet kiss my SIL is giving her son. ❤

Bracelet maker

Shecklet #3 broke open the bracelet making kit she received from Uncle Tony, Auntie Kristin and her little cousin(s). The neighbor boy saw the finished product and asked her if she would make one for him 🙂

Quotables from #4

Shecklet #4 to Uncle Tony, very matter-of-factly at the office today: “I was borned in the ambulance.”

Blue for a boy!

My brother and sister-in-law and niece are adding a new baby to their family this fall! We found out what they are having after biting into cupcakes at the splash pad today.