Sir Gus

The final activity for one of Shecklet #4’s ELA units was making a tin foil version of the main character, Sir Gus.

2nd grade Olympics

Shecklet #4 has been learning about ancient Greek culture – myths, gods, and the Olympics. Today was the culmination of their unit – the closing ceremony.

The kids performed a song (prerecord and showing the using sign language along with the music instead of their singing voices,) shared about what makes them special and what Olympic event they would like to compete in, and finally, Mrs. M. compiled pictures of the competitions they participated on during the week. I’m impressed at how the teachers were able to adapt this annual in-person event to a virtual one so the kids could still participate in the fun.

Puzzleathon – she drew a picture of Nissedalen
Pompomathon – using a straw to move pompoms from one cup to another

Too tired

Shecklet #4: “Every morning I wake up too tired to do school.” (sad, whiny toned voice)

Mom: “What do you think we could do to help with that?”

Shecklet #4: “Not do school.” (totally serious toned voice)

Mom: silent giggle while walking down the stairs behind Shecklet #4.

100 Days

This morning, Shecklet #3 announced that she would soon be a third grader 😳 I told her, let’s enjoy where she’s at in 2nd grade for right now 😂

I think the reason behind her statement was that it’s her 100th day of school today. There must have been discussion about where they are in the year and how many days are left. Time, please don’t go too fast!

Distance Learner of the Week

Shecklet #1 was chosen as his school’s Distance Learner of the Week. Here’s what his corhort/Social Studies teacher said about him:

“There are a lot of middle school students who have figured out how to make distance learning successful but [Shecklet #1] stands out above the rest. [Shecklet #1] logs into class 10 minutes early every school day. He has an organized work space, he greets people as they join, he uses his camera, and he has mastered the most important skill for distance learning: communication. I always know how he is doing and what he needs because he is great at sharing that either through email or face-to-face interaction through our screens. He is making the most out of distance learning and we are proud of him! Great job, [Shecklet #1]!

Jake asked him what he would like to do to celebrate his award and he said he wanted a DQ ice cream cake. He chose a cookie dough one – like he had for his birthday.

Grouchy Zero 😠

One of the “tricks” to learning how to borrow when subtracting is remembering the “Grouchy Zero.” Shecklet #4’s teacher had her students draw a picture to help them with this new skill.

Treats from school

The PTO at the kids’ school put together treat bags for all of the students prior to going on winter break. We really are grateful to be part of a school community who has worked so hard to keep the kids engaged and connected during the pandemic.

School pictures – take 2

Thanks to COVID (that’s a phrase I hope we one day never have to hear again,) the kids’ school pictures were canceled. I took pictures in the fall, but in order to be included in the yearbook, their photos need to be taken with a plain background and the kids have to be wearing their uniform shirts. Here’s what we came up with using the camera on my phone. I can only imagine the variety we’re going to see in this year’s yearbook.

Shecklet #2’s edible animal cell

Science class project for Shecklet #2. It is fun to see the creativity that goes into the kids’ projects. The tasty thing about his cell is that he got to eat it – because it didn’t have to get transported to school. The four Shecklets had a piece for dessert tonight.

Surprise Bitmoji Day

Once a week (on Wednesdays) the Shecklets have an independent learning day. Today is a “surprise” one for Shecklet #4, due to a substitute teacher shortage. Her teacher does an awesome job of setting the kids up to be successful and independent. I’ve seen #4 grow in in these areas in huge ways since the beginning of the school year.

This morning, she is working on a spooky house math assignment 🦇🌔⭐️🎃👻🏠